История изменений

Исправление Stanson, (текущая версия) :

Хе, герр Нимц оказывается не только в платных рецензируемых журналах публиковался, в arxiv'е тоже есть.

Ну и разумеется совершенно очевидное прямым текстом:

As discussed in former articles, the primitive causality, i.e. effect follows cause, is guaranteed. Tunneled signals have been detected at a time shorter than that of vacuum traveled signals. Measured signal velocities were up to 5·c. However, due to a signal’s product of finite frequency band width times finite time duration and considering the transmission dispersion of any barrier, the tunneled signals will begin in the past but end up in the future. That is, primitive causality applies even in the case of superluminal signal velocities. The latter is contradictory to most text books on special relativity, see e.g. Refs.34. It is usually assumed that a signal has a point like time duration ∆t → 0. This assumption has no physical reality because a wave packet and a signal, even if it informs us about an event in a distant galaxy, follows the relation.

Никакого нарушения причинности при скоростях передачи выше скорости света не наблюдается и наблюдаться не может. Это в общем-то очевидно каждому, кроме эйнштейнутых сектантов.

Вот ещё, его же:

Всё тупо, просто, без какой-либо торсионщины и прочего скама.

Исходная версия Stanson, :

Хе, герр Нимц оказывается не только в платных рецензируемых журналах публиковался, в arxiv'е тоже есть.

Ну и разумеется совершенно очевидное прямым текстом:

As discussed in former articles, the primitive causality, i.e. effect follows cause, is guaranteed. Tunneled signals have been detected at a time shorter than that of vacuum traveled signals. Measured signal velocities were up to 5·c. However, due to a signal’s product of finite frequency band width times finite time duration and considering the transmission dispersion of any barrier, the tunneled signals will begin in the past but end up in the future. That is, primitive causality applies even in the case of superluminal signal velocities. The latter is contradictory to most text books on special relativity, see e.g. Refs.34. It is usually assumed that a signal has a point like time duration ∆t → 0. This assumption has no physical reality because a wave packet and a signal, even if it informs us about an event in a distant galaxy, follows the relation.

Никакого нарушения причинности при скоростях передачи выше скорости света не наблюдается и наблюдаться не может. Это в общем-то очевидно каждому, кроме эйнштейнутых сектантов.