История изменений

Исправление mbivanyuk, (текущая версия) :

Это из их transparency report:

In April 2017, we received a request from the Swiss Federal Police about an information request coming from a former Soviet republic (not Russia) regarding a case with an immediate threat of bodily harm to innocent civilians. Proton Technologies AG decided to comply immediately with the data request, to the extent that it is possible, given our cryptography, with the understanding that a valid Swiss court order will be immediately delivered to our office as soon as possible.

Т.е. слили всю информацию по запросу полиции одной из постсоветских стран даже без судебного решения. Все понятно или остались вопросы?

Исходная версия mbivanyuk, :

Это из их transparency report:

In April 2017, we received a request from the Swiss Federal Police about an information request coming from a former Soviet republic (not Russia) regarding a case with an immediate threat of bodily harm to innocent civilians. Proton Technologies AG decided to comply immediately with the data request, to the extent that it is possible, given our cryptography, with the understanding that a valid Swiss court order will be immediately delivered to our office as soon as possible.

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