
Разработчики Гитхаба... обижают друг друга

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Adding to the already difficult situation was the wife of a founder whom she did not name in her email. Horvath says she did her best to distance herself from the founder’s wife, as well as the founder, for fear of being caught up in an unhealthy situation. But, as she told TechCrunch, she didn’t “move quickly enough.”


According to Horvath, the wife went on to claim that she was responsible for hires at GitHub, and asked Horvath to explain to her what she was working on. The wife also claimed to employ “spies” inside of GitHub, and claimed to be able to, again according to Horvath, read GitHub employees’ private chat-room logs, which only employees are supposed to have access to.

Интриги, ненависть, страсти, предательство, любовный треугольник и женское коварство — всё по ссылке.

Ответ на: комментарий от aidan

Теперь жена основателя приходит на работу каждый день и молча сидит напротив неё.

Наверное это очень сильно напрягает :-)

splinter ★★★★★
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