История изменений

Исправление greenman, (текущая версия) :

Сходил по ссылке. Россию как-то не нашёл. Но, в общем, так и есть:

Grant Thornton revealed earlier this year that while leaders in these emerging economies display different behaviour, they are also more likely to be female. 32% of South East Asian senior business leaders are women, 29% in Asia Pacific and 28% in the BRICs. In comparison, only 21% of senior positions in the G7 are occupied by women, and 22% in the eurozone. At board level specifically, 26% of board members in BRIC economies are women, compared to just 16% in the G7 and 19% globally.

Можно объяснить, как выше сказано, тем, что в России главбух — как бы топ-менеджер.

Исходная версия greenman, :

Сходил по ссылке. Россию как-то не нашёл. Но, в общем, так и есть:

Grant Thornton revealed earlier this year that while leaders in these emerging economies display different behaviour, they are also more likely to be female. 32% of South East Asian senior business leaders are women, 29% in Asia Pacific and 28% in the BRICs. In comparison, only 21% of senior positions in the G7 are occupied by women, and 22% in the eurozone. At board level specifically, 26% of board members in BRIC economies are women, compared to just 16% in the G7 and 19% globally.

Можно объяснит, как выше сказано, тем, что в России главбух — как бы топ-менеджер.