История изменений
Исправление novitchok, (текущая версия) :
yum info mtpaint
Загружены модули: langpacks
Доступные пакеты
Название: mtpaint
Архитектура: i686
Версия: 3.40
Выпуск: 12.fc19
Объем: 553 k
Источник: updates/19/i386
Аннотация: Painting program for creating icons and pixel-based artwork
Ссылка: http://mtpaint.sourceforge.net/
Лицензия: GPLv3+
Описание: mtPaint is a simple painting program designed for creating icons and
: pixel-based artwork. It can edit indexed palette or 24 bit RGB images
: and offers basic painting and palette manipulation tools. Its main
: file format is PNG, although it can also handle JPEG, GIF, TIFF, BMP,
: XPM, and XBM files.
Исходная версия novitchok, :
yum search pixel| grep art
Repodata is over 2 weeks old. Install yum-cron? Or run: yum makecache fast
mtpaint.i686 : Painting program for creating icons and pixel-based artwork
[sanja@support ~]$ yum info mtpaint
Загружены модули: langpacks
Доступные пакеты
Название: mtpaint
Архитектура: i686
Версия: 3.40
Выпуск: 12.fc19
Объем: 553 k
Источник: updates/19/i386
Аннотация: Painting program for creating icons and pixel-based artwork
Ссылка: http://mtpaint.sourceforge.net/
Лицензия: GPLv3+
Описание: mtPaint is a simple painting program designed for creating icons and
: pixel-based artwork. It can edit indexed palette or 24 bit RGB images
: and offers basic painting and palette manipulation tools. Its main
: file format is PNG, although it can also handle JPEG, GIF, TIFF, BMP,
: XPM, and XBM files.