История изменений
(текущая версия)
Если задача грубо прикинуть ГРИП, то не такой уж и бред
Умножь на кроп-фактор сам ГРИП полученный из исходных (f/1.8, 24-120mm)
“Same picture” for both formats
When the “same picture” is taken in two different format sizes from the same distance at the same f-number with lenses that give the same angle of view, and the final images (e.g., in prints, or on a projection screen or electronic display) are the same size, DOF is, to a first approximation, inversely proportional to format size (Stroebel 1976, 139).
Исходная версия
Если задача грубо прикинуть ГРИП, то не такой уж и бред
Умножь на кроп-фактор сам ГРИП полученный из исходных (f/1.8, 24-120mm)
“Same picture” for both formatsb
When the “same picture” is taken in two different format sizes from the same distance at the same f-number with lenses that give the same angle of view, and the final images (e.g., in prints, or on a projection screen or electronic display) are the same size, DOF is, to a first approximation, inversely proportional to format size (Stroebel 1976, 139).