История изменений
Исправление grim, (текущая версия) :
Если бы вы не были тролем, то прежде чем накакать тут, вы бы хотя-бы общедоступные источники просмотрели, но для вас, как для любого трололо сидящего на пропагдноне это не нужно
Over the last few years Georgian economy has been one of the fastest in the FSU. Since 2003's Rose Revolution, the new Government of Georgia implemented broad and comprehensive reforms, that touched every aspect of the country’s life. Economic reforms were addressed to liberalization of the economy and provision of sustainable economic growth, based on the private sector development. Establishment of an attractive business environment led to significant inflow of Foreign Direct Investment in the country, facilitating high economic growth rates.
In 2013, Georgia ranked in the top ten countries internationally in the Emerging Market Energy Security Growth Prosperity Index,[18] according to an article published by CISTRAN Finance news. The index identifies emerging nations that have strong growth potential based on energy reserves and GDP.[19]
Based on the economic reforms, Georgian economy has been diversified showing an upward tendency with average 10% of annual GDP real growth in 2004-2007 and reached the highest level – 12.3 percent in 2007. In overall, during 2004-2007 the economy of Georgia expanded by 35%.[20]
Исходная версия grim, :
Если бы вы не были тролем, то прежде чем накакать тут, вы бы хотя-бы общедоступные источники просмотрели, но для вас, как для любого трололо сидящего на пропагдноне это не нужно
Over the last few years Georgian economy has been one of the fastest in the FSU. Since 2003's Rose Revolution, the new Government of Georgia implemented broad and comprehensive reforms, that touched every aspect of the country’s life. Economic reforms were addressed to liberalization of the economy and provision of sustainable economic growth, based on the private sector development. Establishment of an attractive business environment led to significant inflow of Foreign Direct Investment in the country, facilitating high economic growth rates.