История изменений
Исправление anonymous_sama, (текущая версия) :
Вот еще в тему.
Researchers for Moscow-based Kaspersky Lab spent more than two weeks trying to crack the MD5 hash using a computer that tried more than 300 billion plaintext guesses every second. After coming up empty-handed, they enlisted the help of password-cracking experts, both privately and on Twitter, in hopes they would do better. Password crackers Jens Steube and Philipp Schmidt spent only a few hours before figuring out the plaintext behind the hash e6d290a03b70cfa5d4451da444bdea39 was غير مسجل, which is Arabic for «unregistered.» The hex-encoded string for the same Arabic word is dbedd120e3d3cce1.
Я думаю, что все хотят свалить на Иран или террористов.
Исходная версия anonymous_sama, :
Вот еще в тему.
Researchers for Moscow-based Kaspersky Lab spent more than two weeks trying to crack the MD5 hash using a computer that tried more than 300 billion plaintext guesses every second. After coming up empty-handed, they enlisted the help of password-cracking experts, both privately and on Twitter, in hopes they would do better. Password crackers Jens Steube and Philipp Schmidt spent only a few hours before figuring out the plaintext behind the hash e6d290a03b70cfa5d4451da444bdea39 was غير مسجل, which is Arabic for «unregistered.» The hex-encoded string for the same Arabic word is dbedd120e3d3cce1.
Я думаю, что все хотят свалить на Иран.