История изменений

Исправление x0r, (текущая версия) :

ты видимо не открывал ссылки, приведенные alright. а там, например:

Heterosexual Aversion in Homosexual Males

This study was supported by a grant from the Clarke
Institute of Psychiatry Research Fund, Toronto, Canada

Kurt Freund, M.D., D.Sc., Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, and Head, Section of Social

Ron Langevin, Ph.D., Research Scientist,

Stephen Cibiri, M.A., Research Scientist,

Yaroslaw Zajac, B.A., Research Assistant,
Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, 250 College Street, Toronto 130, Canada

описанное исследование в документе не является сбором статистики.

Исправление x0r, :

ты видимо не открывал ссылки, приведенные alright. а там, например:

Heterosexual Aversion in Homosexual Males

This study was supported by a grant from the Clarke
Institute of Psychiatry Research Fund, Toronto, Canada

Kurt Freund, M.D., D.Sc., Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, and Head, Section of Social

Ron Langevin, Ph.D., Research Scientist,

Stephen Cibiri, M.A., Research Scientist,

Yaroslaw Zajac, B.A., Research Assistant,
Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, 250 College Street, Toronto 130, Canada

Исправление x0r, :

ты видимо не открывал ссылки, приведенные alright. а там, например:

Heterosexual Aversion in Homosexual Males

This study was supported by a grant from the Clarke
Institute of Psychiatry Research Fund, Toronto, Canada

Kurt Freund, M.D., D.Sc., Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, and Head, Section of Social


Ron Langevin, Ph.D., Research Scientist,

Stephen Cibiri, M.A., Research Scientist,

Yaroslaw Zajac, B.A., Research Assistant,
Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, 250 College Street, Toronto 130, Canada

Исходная версия x0r, :

ты видимо не открывал ссылки, приведенные alright. а там, например:

Heterosexual Aversion in Homosexual Males

This study was supported by a grant from the Clarke

Institute of Psychiatry Research Fund, Toronto, Canada

Kurt Freund, M.D., D.Sc., Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, and Head, Section of Social


Ron Langevin, Ph.D., Research Scientist,

Stephen Cibiri, M.A., Research Scientist,

Yaroslaw Zajac, B.A., Research Assistant,

Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, 250 College Street, Toronto 130, Canada