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2.1 Code Authorship
We define an author as a developer able to in influence or command the implementation of a file. Therefore, she is not a collaborator with some expertise in the file, but for example someone who is able to lead other developers when working in the file. To define the authors of a file, we rely on the Degree of Authorship (DOA) measure [2, 3], which is is computed as follows:
DOA = 3.293 + 1.098 * FA + 0.164 * DL - 0.321 * ln(1 + AC)
The degree of authorship of a developer d in a file f depends on three factors: first authorship (FA), number of deliveries (DL), and number of acceptances (AC). If d is the author of f, FA is 1; otherwise it is 0; DL is the number of changes in f made by D; and AC is the number of changes in f made by other developers. Basically, the weights of each variable assume that FA is by far the strongest predictor of file authorship. Recency information (DL) also contributes positively to authorship, but with less importance. Finally, changes by other developers (AC) contribute to decrease someone's DOA, but at a slower rate. The weights used in the DOA equation were empirically derived through an experiment with seven professional Java developers [2]. The authors also showed that the model is robust enough to be used in different environments and projects. In this study we consider only normalized DOA values. For a file f, the normalized DOA ranges from 0 to 1, where 1 is granted to the developer with the highest absolute DOA among the developers that worked on f. A developer d is an author of a file f if its normalized DOA is greater than a threshold k. We assume k = 0.75, which is a value that presented reasonable accuracy in a manual validation we performed with a sample of systems.
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Попробуй прочитать оригинал: https://peerj.com/preprints/1233v1.pdf
2.1 Code Authorship
We define an author as a developer able to in influence or command the implementation of a file. Therefore, she is not a collaborator with some expertise in the file, but for example someone who is able to lead other developers when working in the file. To define the authors of a file, we rely on the Degree of Authorship (DOA) measure [2, 3], which is is computed as follows:
DOA = 3.293 + 1.098 * FA + 0.164 * DL - 0.321 * ln(1 + AC)
The degree of authorship of a developer d in a file f depends on three factors: first authorship (FA), number of deliveries (DL), and number of acceptances (AC). If d is the author of f, FA is 1; otherwise it is 0; DL is the number of changes in f made by D; and AC is the number of changes in f made by other developers. Basically, the weights of each variable assume that FA is by far the strongest predictor of file authorship. Recency information (DL) also contributes positively to authorship, but with less importance. Finally, changes by other developers (AC) contribute to decrease someone's DOA, but at a slower rate. The weights used in the DOA equation were empirically derived through an experiment with seven professional Java developers [2]. The authors also showed that the model is robust enough to be used in different environments and projects. In this study we consider only normalized DOA values. For a file f, the normalized DOA ranges from 0 to 1, where 1 is granted to the developer with the highest absolute DOA among the developers that worked on f. A developer d is an author of a file f if its normalized DOA is greater than a threshold k. We assume k = 0:75, which is a value that presented reasonable accuracy in a manual validation we performed with a sample of systems.