История изменений

Исправление Zubok, (текущая версия) :

Это да, но швободка то страдает, интересно что столлман думает.

Столлман думает про FSF. Правда или неправда, но это не его боль. FSF требует, чтобы твой работодатель или в университет подписали бумажку, в которой говорится, что их интеллектуальной собственности нет в твоем проекте.

Before incorporating significant changes, make sure that the person who wrote the changes has signed copyright papers and that the Free Software Foundation has received and signed them. We may also need an employer’s disclaimer from the person’s employer, which confirms that the work was not part of the person’s job and the employer makes no claim on it. However, a copy of the person’s employment contract, showing that the employer can’t claim any rights to this work, is often sufficient.

If the employer does claim the work was part of the person’s job, and there is no clear basis to say that claim is invalid, then we have to consider it valid. Then the person cannot assign copyright, but the employer can. Many companies have done this. Please ask the appropriate managers to contact

Исправление Zubok, :

Это да, но швободка то страдает, интересно что столлман думает.

Столлман думает про FSF. Правда или неправда, но это не его боль. FSF требует, чтобы твой работодатель или в университет подписали бумажку, в которой говорится, что их интеллектуальнй собственности нет в твоем проекте.

Before incorporating significant changes, make sure that the person who wrote the changes has signed copyright papers and that the Free Software Foundation has received and signed them. We may also need an employer’s disclaimer from the person’s employer, which confirms that the work was not part of the person’s job and the employer makes no claim on it. However, a copy of the person’s employment contract, showing that the employer can’t claim any rights to this work, is often sufficient.

If the employer does claim the work was part of the person’s job, and there is no clear basis to say that claim is invalid, then we have to consider it valid. Then the person cannot assign copyright, but the employer can. Many companies have done this. Please ask the appropriate managers to contact

Исправление Zubok, :

Это да, но швободка то страдает, интересно что столлман думает.

Столлман думает про GNU. Правда или неправда, но это не его боль. FSF требует, чтобы твой работодатель или в университет подписали бумажку, в которой говорится, что их интеллектуальнй собственности нет в твоем проекте.

Before incorporating significant changes, make sure that the person who wrote the changes has signed copyright papers and that the Free Software Foundation has received and signed them. We may also need an employer’s disclaimer from the person’s employer, which confirms that the work was not part of the person’s job and the employer makes no claim on it. However, a copy of the person’s employment contract, showing that the employer can’t claim any rights to this work, is often sufficient.

If the employer does claim the work was part of the person’s job, and there is no clear basis to say that claim is invalid, then we have to consider it valid. Then the person cannot assign copyright, but the employer can. Many companies have done this. Please ask the appropriate managers to contact

Исходная версия Zubok, :

Это да, но швободка то страдает, интересно что столлман думает.

Столлман думает про GNU. Правда или неправда, но это не его боль. FSF требует, чтобы твой работодатель (CEO) или в университет подписали бумажку, в которой говорится, что их интеллектуальнй собственности нет в твоем проекте.

Before incorporating significant changes, make sure that the person who wrote the changes has signed copyright papers and that the Free Software Foundation has received and signed them. We may also need an employer’s disclaimer from the person’s employer, which confirms that the work was not part of the person’s job and the employer makes no claim on it. However, a copy of the person’s employment contract, showing that the employer can’t claim any rights to this work, is often sufficient.

If the employer does claim the work was part of the person’s job, and there is no clear basis to say that claim is invalid, then we have to consider it valid. Then the person cannot assign copyright, but the employer can. Many companies have done this. Please ask the appropriate managers to contact