История изменений

Исправление Deleted, (текущая версия) :

поясни плиз, а какая связь между тем, о чем ты попросил и тем, что ты в действительности хочешь?

вот, способ узнать сколько одновременных нажатий возможно

моя клавиатура показала 6 обычных (не модификаторов) - раздел Key Rollover (N-KRO, 6-KRO)

а в целом

USB protocol limitation - A max of 10 simultaneous key presses are recognized, 6 non-modifier keys ('w', 'a', 's', 'd', etc) + 4 modifier keys (Shift, Caps, Ctrl, etc). Although you are limited to 6 regular keys you are still guaranteed that any combination of keys will be recognized properly if you have an n-key rollover keyboard. I would guess that most people would not need support for more keys than this. I would also guess that the 6 key limit may have had something to do with braille input requirements rather than someone choosing an arbitrary limit (although that doesn't explain why the limit exists in the first place).

Исправление Deleted, :

вот, способ узнать сколько одновременных нажатий возможно

моя клавиатура показала 6 обычных (не модификаторов) - раздел Key Rollover (N-KRO, 6-KRO)

а в целом

USB protocol limitation - A max of 10 simultaneous key presses are recognized, 6 non-modifier keys ('w', 'a', 's', 'd', etc) + 4 modifier keys (Shift, Caps, Ctrl, etc). Although you are limited to 6 regular keys you are still guaranteed that any combination of keys will be recognized properly if you have an n-key rollover keyboard. I would guess that most people would not need support for more keys than this. I would also guess that the 6 key limit may have had something to do with braille input requirements rather than someone choosing an arbitrary limit (although that doesn't explain why the limit exists in the first place).

Исправление Deleted, :

вот, способ узнать сколько одновременных нажатий возможно

моя клавиатура показала 6 ( раздел Key Rollover (N-KRO, 6-KRO) )

а в целом

USB protocol limitation - A max of 10 simultaneous key presses are recognized, 6 non-modifier keys ('w', 'a', 's', 'd', etc) + 4 modifier keys (Shift, Caps, Ctrl, etc). Although you are limited to 6 regular keys you are still guaranteed that any combination of keys will be recognized properly if you have an n-key rollover keyboard. I would guess that most people would not need support for more keys than this. I would also guess that the 6 key limit may have had something to do with braille input requirements rather than someone choosing an arbitrary limit (although that doesn't explain why the limit exists in the first place).

Исходная версия Deleted, :

вот, способ узнать сколько одновременных нажатий возможно

моя клавиатура показала 6 (