История изменений

Исправление atsym, (текущая версия) :

А его можно будет заюзать на десктопе на замену TB?

В принципе, можно. Читай внимательно!

ProfiMail for Symbian

Developed and (c) Lonely Cat Games

Released to public domain in July 2016

Compiles under MS Visual Studio 2008
Required environment variables:
IM_SYMB_S60_3RD_SDK = path to Symbian 9.1 (3rd edition) SDK (Epoc32 folder)

The project file is located at LcgApps\src\ProfiMail.sln
It is compilable for Windows PC and Symbian 2nd/3rd edition
UIDs and signing certificate are different from original ProfiMail, so it should not collide with official app.

Исходная версия atsym, :

А его можно будет заюзать на десктопе на замену TB?

ProfiMail for Symbian

Developed and (c) Lonely Cat Games

Released to public domain in July 2016

Compiles under MS Visual Studio 2008
Required environment variables:
IM_SYMB_S60_3RD_SDK = path to Symbian 9.1 (3rd edition) SDK (Epoc32 folder)

The project file is located at LcgApps\src\ProfiMail.sln
It is compilable for Windows PC and Symbian 2nd/3rd edition
UIDs and signing certificate are different from original ProfiMail, so it should not collide with official app.[code/]