Сабж. Changelog automake 1.15.1:
New in 1.15.1:
* Bugs fixed:
- The code has been adapted to remove a warning present since Perl
5.22 stating that "Unescaped left brace in regex is deprecated".
This warning has become an hard error in Perl 5.26 (bug#22372).
- The generated Makefiles do not rely on the obsolescent GZIP
environment variable which was used for passing arguments to
'gzip'. Compatibility with old versions has been
preserved. (bug#20132)
* Miscellaneous changes:
- Support the Windows version of the Intel C Compiler (icl) in the
'compile' script in the same way the (compatible) Microsoft C
Compiler is supported.
Changelog библиотеки gsl (GNU Scientific Library) 2.4:
* What is new in gsl-2.4:
** migrated documentation to Sphinx software, which has built-in
support for latex equations and figures in HTML output
** add const to declaration of appropriate gsl_rstat routines
** bug fix for #45730: change gsl_sf_sin/cos to libm sin/cos
** fix Cholesky documentation regarding upper triangle on output
** added routines to compute integrals with fixed-point quadrature,
based on IQPACK (Konrad Griessinger)
** added routines for Hermite polynomials, gsl_sf_hermite_*
(Konrad Griessinger)
** added new nonlinear least squares example for fitting
a Gaussian to data
** deprecated routines:
** deprecated routine 'gsl_linalg_hessenberg' (replaced
by gsl_linalg_hessenberg_decomp)
** removed routines which were deprecated in v2.1:
** changed COD expression to Q R Z^T instead of Q R Z to
be consistent with standard texts
** added check for nz == 0 in gsl_spmatrix_get
(reported by Manuel Schmitz)
** permit zero-dimension blocks, vectors, matrics, subvectors,
submatrices, and views of the above (bug #49988)
** added routine gsl_linalg_COD_lssolve2 for regularized
least squares problems