История изменений

Исправление ls-h, (текущая версия) :

Что-то срач утихать начал...

А вот Wine через Wayland хер заработает! Пыщ-пыщ-пыщ!!!11
«It is very unlikely that Wine is going to support Wayland in the same way as X. I worked on a Wayland driver for Wine some time ago, but discontinued the idea because Wayland lacks many features that are expected by Windows programs.» - комментарий разработчика.

Исправление ls-h, :

Что-то срач утихать начал.

А вот Wine через Wayland хер заработает! Пыщ-пыщ-пыщ!!!11
«It is very unlikely that Wine is going to support Wayland in the same way as X. I worked on a Wayland driver for Wine some time ago, but discontinued the idea because Wayland lacks many features that are expected by Windows programs.» - комментарий разработчика.

Исходная версия ls-h, :

Что-то срач утихать начал.

А вот Wine через Wayland хер заработает!
«It is very unlikely that Wine is going to support Wayland in the same way as X. I worked on a Wayland driver for Wine some time ago, but discontinued the idea because Wayland lacks many features that are expected by Windows programs.» - комментарий разработчика.