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Последнее исправление: Licwin (всего исправлений: 3)

Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3 - Second Edition

With mobile internet rising, your website needs to be accessible on any screen size, with user experience on any device taken into consideration. With today's free learning, build websites with a 'responsive and mobile first' methodology, ensuring it runs smoothly on any and every device.

router ★★★★★

Smart Internet of Things Projects

Discover how to build your own smart Internet of Things projects and bring a new degree of interconnectivity to your world

Learn how to extract and analyse data from physical devices and build smart IoT projects Master the skills of building enticing projects such as a neural network autonomous car, computer vision through a camera, and cloud-based IoT applications This project-based guide leverages revolutionary computing chips such as Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and so on

router ★★★★★

Practical Linux Security Cookbook

As more and more organizations adopt Linux for their networks and servers, the number of security threats grows and grows. As a sysadmin, you'll be the first point of call when hackers threaten your network - and this free eBook will be your bible for building and maintaining a secure Linux system. Whether you are new to Linux administration or an experienced admin, this book will make your system secure. Walk through customizing the Linux kernel and securing local files, manage user authentication locally and remotely, patch bash vulnerability and more.

fsb4000 ★★★★★

ROS Robotics Projects

Build a variety of awesome robots that can see, sense, move, and do a lot more using the powerful Robot Operating System

  • Create and program cool robotic projects using powerful ROS libraries
  • Work through concrete examples that will help you build your own robotic systems of varying complexity levels
  • This book provides relevant and fun-filled examples so you can make your own robots that can run and work

fsb4000 ★★★★★

Node.js 6.x Blueprints

Create stunning web applications and Restful APIs from start to finish with Express, Loopback, MongoDB, and MySQL using this definitive guide [list

  • Create stunning applications with Node.js from scratch, no matter the goal
  • Discover a wide variety of applications you can effectively integrate third-party libraries and other front-end frameworks with Node.js
  • Leverage all the new features introduced in Node.js 6.X

Licwin ★★★★★
() автор топика
Последнее исправление: Licwin (всего исправлений: 1)

Spring Microservices

Build scalable microservices with Spring, Docker, and Mesos

  • Learn how to efficiently build and implement microservices in Spring, and how to use Docker and Mesos to push the boundaries of what you thought possible
  • Examine a number of real-world use cases and hands-on code examples.
  • Distribute your microservices in a completely new way

ashot ★★★★

ASP.NET Core and Angular 2

Create powerful applications for the modern web

Build a complete single page application with two of the most impressive frameworks in modern development Find out how to bring together the capabilities and features of both Angular 2 and ASP.NET Core From managing data, to application design, through to SEO optimization and security – take a comprehensive approach to building your next web project

router ★★★★★

Practical Mobile Forensics

Dive into mobile forensics on iOS, Android, Windows, and BlackBerry devices with this action-packed, practical guide

  • Clear and concise explanations for forensic examinations of mobile devices
  • Master the art of extracting data, recovering deleted data, bypassing screen locks, and much more
  • The first and only guide covering practical mobile forensics on multiple platforms

Licwin ★★★★★
() автор топика
Последнее исправление: Licwin (всего исправлений: 1)
Ответ на: Practical Mobile Forensics от Licwin

We have paused our daily free eBook giveaway whilst we reduced prices for all of eBooks and Videos to just $5. Don't worry, it will be back in the new year.

Practical Mobile Forensics кто-то успел забрать?

bormant ★★★★★
Последнее исправление: bormant (всего исправлений: 1)
Ответ на: комментарий от bormant

К сожалению я не успел :(

Licwin ★★★★★
() автор топика


We have paused our daily free eBook giveaway whilst we reduced prices for all of eBooks and Videos to just $5. Don't worry, it will be back in the new year.

bvn13 ★★★★★

Моя подборка книг по Java

Насобирал тут.

Может, кому-то будет интересно. По-одной делать открытые ссылки лень, так что, если кому-то интересно, пишите свою почту, буду расшаривать папку в яндексе целиком (яндекс допускает только индивидуально это делать).

21.12.2017  10:28         2 086 780 Abstraction-in-Java.pdf
14.11.2017  11:15         6 483 652 activiti-in-action.pdf
21.12.2017  10:28           893 740 Advanced-java.pdf
21.12.2017  10:30           770 709 Amazon-Elastic-Beanstalk-Tutorial.pdf
21.12.2017  10:28         8 620 159 Android-Programming-Cookbook.pdf
21.12.2017  10:29         4 387 578 Android-UI-Design.pdf
21.12.2017  10:28        15 949 879 Apache-Hadoop-Cookbook.pdf
21.12.2017  10:28         2 572 873 Apache-Hadoop-Tutorial.pdf
21.12.2017  10:29         2 672 604 Apache-Maven-Cookbook.pdf
21.12.2017  10:29         3 754 713 Apache-Tomcat-Cookbook.pdf
21.12.2017  10:33                 0 books.txt
10.11.2017  13:04         5 719 823 Building and Testing with Gradle.pdf
10.11.2017  13:18         6 563 369 Camel in Action.pdf
10.11.2017  13:02        42 463 385 Core Java Volume I--Fundamentals, 10th Edition.pdf
21.12.2017  10:26         2 597 261 Docker-Containerization-Cookbook.pdf
21.12.2017  10:31           170 718 ebook-how-to-build-and-scale-with-microservices.pdf
21.12.2017  10:27         1 084 971 Elasticsearch-Tutorial.pdf
21.12.2017  10:28         1 234 538 Hibernate-Tutorial.pdf
10.11.2017  12:58         1 647 082 Java Closures and Lambda.pdf
10.11.2017  13:43        10 486 218 Java SOA Cookbook.pdf
21.12.2017  10:29         1 749 182 Java-8-Features.pdf
21.12.2017  10:29         1 600 625 Java-Annotations-Tutorial.pdf
21.12.2017  10:26         3 644 305 Java-Design-Patterns (1).pdf
28.11.2017  10:51         3 644 305 Java-Design-Patterns.pdf
21.12.2017  10:28         1 976 709 Java-Interview-Questions.pdf
21.12.2017  10:26         1 384 179 Java-NIO-Programming-Cookbook.pdf
21.12.2017  10:28         3 637 695 Java-Reflection-Tutorial.pdf
21.12.2017  10:26         2 200 018 Java-Servlet-Tutorial.pdf
10.11.2017  13:08        13 570 525 JavaFX 9 by Example, 3rd Edition.pdf
21.12.2017  10:26        10 496 384 JavaFX-Programming-Cookbook.pdf
21.12.2017  10:27         1 438 136 JAXB-Tutorial.pdf
10.11.2017  13:18        10 933 092 JBoss in Action.pdf
21.12.2017  10:30         3 318 099 Jetty-Server-Cookbook.pdf
21.12.2017  10:30         3 862 587 JMeter-Tutorial.pdf
21.12.2017  10:27         1 288 033 JPA-Tutorial.pdf
27.11.2017  15:04         2 969 575 JUnit-Programming-Cookbook.pdf
21.12.2017  10:28         1 819 213 JUnit-Tutorial.pdf
21.12.2017  10:29         3 020 321 JVM-Troubleshooting-Guide.pdf
10.11.2017  13:01        15 122 000 Learn JavaFX 8.pdf
19.12.2017  11:12         2 766 256 Learning Karaf Cellar.pdf
10.11.2017  13:03         1 656 329 Learning Reactive Programming with Java 8.pdf
10.11.2017  15:09        31 394 339 Mastering Concurrency Programming with Java 8.pdf
10.11.2017  13:09        17 532 722 Mastering JavaFX 8 Controls.pdf
10.11.2017  13:12         4 885 748 Mastering Spring MVC 4.pdf
10.11.2017  13:06        15 870 549 Maven Build Customization.pdf
10.11.2017  13:04         2 258 153 Maven Essentials.pdf
11.11.2017  22:06         1 363 074 Maven_By_Example_-_eBook.pdf
11.11.2017  22:06         2 744 254 Maven_the_reference_guide.pdf
10.11.2017  13:06         1 672 675 Mockito for Spring.pdf
21.12.2017  10:30         3 074 664 Mockito-Programming-Cookbook.pdf
10.11.2017  12:57         3 279 993 Modern Java Recipes.pdf
21.12.2017  10:28         2 254 686 Multithreading-and-Concurrency-Questions.pdf
11.11.2017  22:06         3 943 211 nxbook_Sept_2017.pdf
10.11.2017  12:45        15 029 948 Open-Source ESBs in Action.pdf
06.12.2017  15:28        22 920 134 OSGi in Action.pdf
06.12.2017  15:29         4 803 703 OSGi in Depth.pdf
10.11.2017  13:04        10 325 106 Pro Spring 5, 5th Edition.pdf
21.12.2017  10:30        11 129 294 Selenium-Programming-Cookbook.pdf
10.11.2017  13:43         5 066 133 Service Oriented Java Business Integration.pdf
10.05.2016  14:04         2 977 361 Spring Boot Cookbook - 2015.pdf
25.07.2017  23:29        16 830 956 Spring Boot Cookbook.rar
25.07.2017  22:35        17 650 151 Spring Boot in Action.rar
25.07.2017  22:27         9 991 356 Spring in Action, 4th Edition.pdf
10.11.2017  13:06        20 326 630 Spring Microservices.pdf
10.11.2017  13:12         5 216 040 Spring REST.pdf
21.12.2017  10:26         3 104 811 Spring-Data-Programming-Cookbook.pdf
21.12.2017  10:27         8 468 659 Spring-Framework-Cookbook (1).pdf
21.12.2017  10:26         8 468 659 Spring-Framework-Cookbook.pdf
21.12.2017  10:26         4 469 233 Spring-Integration-for-EAI.pdf
21.12.2017  10:29         1 976 512 Spring-Interview-Questions.pdf
10.07.2017  15:07        15 176 071 Spring_3_dlia_professionalov_2013.pdf
10.07.2017  15:07         4 474 921 swingbook.pdf
10.11.2017  13:05         4 493 732 Test-Driven Java Development.pdf
10.11.2017  13:05         2 979 806 Testing with Junit.pdf
21.12.2017  10:25           705 903 top-5-java-performance-considerations.pdf
15.05.2016  21:28         6 930 985 Walls C - Spring Boot in Action - 2015.pdf
10.07.2017  15:07         5 911 810 Walls_C_Spring_in_Action_rus.pdf
10.07.2017  15:08         7 246 251 Промышленное программирование Java - Блинов И.Н.pdf
24.07.2017  22:53         6 596 428 Фаулер М. - Архитектура корпоративных программных приложений.pdf
bvn13 ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от Barracuda72

Обещалку пока не убрали. Ждите.

ashot ★★★★

Practical Mobile Forensics

Dive into mobile forensics on iOS, Android, Windows, and BlackBerry devices with this action-packed, practical guide

  • Clear and concise explanations for forensic examinations of mobile devices
  • Master the art of extracting data, recovering deleted data, bypassing screen locks, and much more
  • The first and only guide covering practical mobile forensics on multiple platforms

xaizek ★★★★★

Mastering Ubuntu Server

Get up to date with the finer points of Ubuntu Server using this comprehensive guide

  • Get well-versed with newly-added features in Ubuntu 16.04
  • Master the art of installing, managing, and troubleshooting Ubuntu Server
  • A practical easy-to-understand book that will help you enhance your existing skills.

fsb4000 ★★★★★

Kubernetes Cookbook

Learn how to automate and manage your Linux containers and improve the overall performance of your system

  • Are you using containers in your organization and want to better manage, scale, and orchestrate apps on the container? Use the recipes in the book to find a reliable solution from experts
  • This is the first and only book on the market on Kubernetes, and it will show how to manage your containers in production using Kubernetes
  • Buy this book, simply follow the recipes, and you will be the master of your Linux containers

bormant ★★★★★

Bayesian Analysis with Python

Unleash the power and flexibility of the Bayesian framework

  • Simplify the Bayes process for solving complex statistical problems using Python;
  • Tutorial guide that will take the you through the journey of Bayesian analysis with the help of sample problems and practice exercises;
  • Learn how and when to use Bayesian analysis in your applications with this guide.

HerrWeigel ★★★★

Modern Python Cookbook

This book comes with over 100 recipes on the latest version of Python. The recipes will benefit everyone ranging from beginner to an expert. The recipes will touch upon all the necessary Python concepts related to data structures, OOP, functional programming, as well as statistical programming. You will get acquainted with the nuances of Python syntax and how to effectively use the advantages that it offers. You will end the book equipped with the knowledge of testing, web services, and configuration and application integration tips and tricks.

fsb4000 ★★★★★

Practical Internet of Things Security

A practical, indispensable security guide that will navigate you through the complex realm of securely building and deploying systems in our IoT-connected world

  • Learn to design and implement cyber security strategies for your organization
  • Learn to protect cyber-physical systems and utilize forensic data analysis to beat vulnerabilities in your IoT ecosystem
  • Learn best practices to secure your data from device to the cloud
  • Gain insight into privacy-enhancing techniques and technologies

fsb4000 ★★★★★

SFML Game Development By Example

Simple and Fast Multimedia Library (SFML) is a simple interface comprising five modules, namely, the audio, graphics, network, system, and window modules, which help to develop cross-platform media applications. By utilizing the SFML library, you are provided with the ability to craft games quickly and easily. With just an investment of moderate C++ knowledge, this book will guide you all the way through the journey of game development.

bormant ★★★★★

DevOps for Networking

Frustrated that your company’s network changes are still a manual set of activities that slow developers down? It doesn’t need to be that way any longer, as this book will help your company and network teams embrace DevOps and continuous delivery approaches, enabling them to automate all network functions. This book aims to show readers network automation processes they could implement in their organizations. It will teach you the fundamentals of DevOps in networking and how to improve DevOps processes and workflows by providing automation in your network.

fsb4000 ★★★★★

Learning Python

Learning Python has a dynamic and varied nature. With this book, it will take you all the way to creating a fully fledged application. Explore the essentials of programming, data structures and prepare to be taught how to manipulate them. From there you will move onto controlling the flow of a program and writing reusable and error proof code. Discover different programming paradigms that will allow you to find the best approach to any situation and learn how to perform performance optimization as well as debugging.

HerrWeigel ★★★★

Java Deep Learning Essentials

Dive into the future of data science and learn how to build the sophisticated algorithms that are fundamental to deep learning and AI with Java. Starting with an introduction to basic machine learning algorithms, to give you a solid foundation, Deep Learning with Java takes you further into this vital world of stunning predictive insights and remarkable machine intelligence. By the end of the book, you’ll be ready to tackle Deep Learning with Java. Wherever you’ve come from – whether you’re a data scientist or Java developer – you will become a part of the Deep Learning revolution!

HerrWeigel ★★★★

Learning Python Application Development

As one of the most widely used programming languages, Python is supported by a rich set of libraries and frameworks that allow for rapid development. This comes with it's downside, which could bring down the quality and performance of an app. Learn practical, efficient techniques to improve application lifetime, by making code extensible, reusable, and readable.

fsb4000 ★★★★★

Mastering Metasploit

Put your network's defenses to the test so you can identify and secure your vulnerabilities with Metasploit. Download today's free eBook and get to grips with one of the most popular pentesting frameworks in the world, and find all the tricks, tools and techniques you need to master the essential art of modern cybersecurity.

HerrWeigel ★★★★

Kali Linux Wireless Penetration Testing: Beginner's Guide

Master wireless testing techniques to survey and attack wireless networks with Kali Linux. Kali Linux Wireless Penetration Testing Beginner's Guide presents wireless pentesting from the ground up, introducing all elements of penetration testing with each new technology. Learn various wireless testing methodologies by example, from the basics of wireless routing and encryption through to detailed coverage of hacking methods and attacks such as the Hirte and Caffe Latte.

HerrWeigel ★★★★

Practical Machine Learning

Learn how to build Machine Learning applications to solve real-world data analysis challenges with this Machine Learning book – packed with practical tutorials

  • Fully-coded working examples using a wide range of machine learning libraries and tools, including Python, R, Julia, and Spark
  • Comprehensive practical solutions taking you into the future of machine learning
  • Go a step further and integrate your machine learning projects with Hadoop

HerrWeigel ★★★★

Ionic 2 Cookbook - Second Edition

Over 30 life-changing recipes to help you create cutting edge, hybrid apps with Ionic 2

  • Leverage Ionic 2 and its exciting new features to create cutting edge real-time apps
  • Work through simple recipes to address your problems directly and solve them effectively
  • Get examples at each step to guide you on your learning curve

HerrWeigel ★★★★

.NET Design Patterns

Explore the world of .NET design patterns and bring the benefits that the right patterns can offer to your toolkit today

  • Dive into the powerful fundamentals of .NET framework for software development
  • The code is explained piece by piece and the application of the pattern is also showcased.
  • This fast-paced guide shows you how to implement the patterns into your existing applications

fsb4000 ★★★★★

PostgreSQL 9 High Availability Cookbook

Over 100 recipes to design and implement a highly available server with the advanced features of PostgreSQL.

  • Create a PostgreSQL cluster that stays online even when disaster strikes
  • Avoid costly downtime and data loss that can ruin your business
  • Perform data replication and monitor your data with hands-on industry-driven recipes and detailed step-by-step explanations

router ★★★★★

Learning OpenCV 3 Computer Vision with Python - Second Edition

Unleash the power of computer vision with Python using OpenCV

  • Create impressive applications with OpenCV and Python
  • Familiarize yourself with advanced machine learning concepts
  • Harness the power of computer vision with this easy-to-follow guide

HerrWeigel ★★★★

Node.js Design Patterns - Second Edition

Get the best out of Node.js by mastering its most powerful components and patterns to create modular and scalable applications with ease

  • Create reusable patterns and modules by leveraging the new features of Node.js.
  • Understand the asynchronous single thread design of node and grasp all its features and patterns to take advantage of various functions.
  • This unique guide will help you get the most out of Node.js and its ecosystem.

HerrWeigel ★★★★

Programming Kotlin

Familiarize yourself with all of Kotlin's features with this in-depth guide

  • Get a thorough introduction to Kotlin
  • Learn to use Java code alongside Kotlin without any hiccups
  • Get a complete overview of null safety, Generics, and many more interesting features

HerrWeigel ★★★★

Building an RPG with Unity 5.x

Unleash the full potential of Unity to build a fully playable, high-quality multiplayer RPG

  • Learn to build a multiplayer real-time strategy game from scratch using Unity
  • Gain knowledge of Unity’s UI system to build complex user interfaces
  • See how to build and customize your framework for your RPG games

HerrWeigel ★★★★

Angular 2 Cookbook

Discover over 70 recipes that provide the solutions you need to know to face every challenge in Angular 2 head on

  • A first-rate reference guide with a clear structure and intuitive index that gives you as a developer exactly the information you want in exactly the way you want it
  • Covers no legacy material from the outdated Angular release candidates; it is up-to-date with the latest release of Angular 2.4
  • All the code in the book is explicitly written out, and every piece of code shown is a step towards building a simple working example

fsb4000 ★★★★★

Delphi Cookbook - Second Edition

Over 60 hands-on recipes to help you master the power of Delphi for cross-platform and mobile development on multiple platforms

  • Get to grips with Delphi to build and deploy various cross-platform applications
  • Design, develop, and deploy real-world applications by implementing a single source codebase
  • This swift guide will increase your productivity to develop applications with Delphi

HerrWeigel ★★★★

Learning PySpark

Build data-intensive applications locally and deploy at scale using the combined powers of Python and Spark 2.0

  • Learn why and how you can efficiently use Python to process data and build machine learning models in Apache Spark 2.0
  • Develop and deploy efficient, scalable real-time Spark solutions
  • Take your understanding of using Spark with Python to the next level with this jump start guide

router ★★★★★

Mastering Wireshark

Mastering Wireshark will help you raise your knowledge to an expert level. At the start of the book, you will be taught how to install Wireshark, and will be introduced to its interface so you understand all its functionalities. Moving forward, you will discover different ways to create and use capture and display filters. Halfway through the book, you’ll be mastering the features of Wireshark, analyzing different layers of the network protocol, looking for any anomalies. As you reach to the end of the book, you will be taught how to use Wireshark for network security analysis and configure it for troubleshooting purposes.

router ★★★★★

Go Programming Blueprints - Second Edition

Build real-world, production-ready solutions in Go using cutting-edge technology and techniques

  • Get up to date with Go and write code capable of delivering massive world-class scale performance and availability
  • Learn to apply the nuances of the Go language, and get to know the open source community that surrounds it to implement a wide range of start-up quality projects
  • Write interesting and clever but simple code, and learn skills and techniques that are directly transferrable to your own projects

router ★★★★★
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