История изменений

Исправление sanyock, (текущая версия) :

Неужели непонятна разница?

Нет ограничений на тиражирование приватной части, я же писал, что там прав столько же, что и в ДОИП, вот смотри фрагмент лицухи:

Subject Matter and Granted Rights  

The COMPANY has requested and permitted the AUTHOR to add new features ("NEW 
FEATURES") to the APPLICATION. The COMPANY has provided remote working place 
with all required licensed Microsoft software preinstalled on the COMPANY's servers and 
remote access to it via internet for the AUTHOR. The list of NEW FEATURES of the 
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COMPANY Signature:__________ Date:__________ AUTHOR Signature:__________ Date:___...-mail, all requested NEW FEATURES have been 
implemented by the AUTHOR and added to the APPLICATION.  
The AUTHOR has permitted the COMPANY to use the BINARIES of the APPLICATION to 
test the APPLICATION during TRIAL PERIOD under another temporary free of charge trial 
simple license agreement (NOT this AGREEMENT). The AUTHOR by request of the 
COMPANY has installed the APPLICATION BINARIES at the beginning of the TRIAL 
PERIOD on the COMPANY's servers. 
Under this exclusive license AGREEMENT at the moment when each party of the 
AGREEMENT becomes in conformance with the terms of Section 5. (FULFILLMENT) the 
AUTHOR immediately grants the COMPANY rights ("RIGHTS") to use the APPLICATION 
in the following ways: 
- execution of the APPLICATION on any number of computers 
- public performance, public communication, presentation, publishing, republishing, 
- reproduction (production of copies) 
- modification, adaptation, translation, creation of derivative works 
- distribution and sublicensing of the APPLICATION and any derivatives 
- import and export 
Until the COMPANY is in full compliance with the terms of Section 5. (FULFILLMENT) the 
RIGHTS are not granted. 
The territory of the AGREEMENT are all countries of the world (worldwide license). 
The duration of this agreement is 1,000,000 (one million) years since EFFECTIVE DATE if 
allowed by the applicable law, otherwise it is 70 (seventy) years since EFFECTIVE DATE. 
The maximum allowed circulation of the APPLICATION copies is unlimited. 
The AUTHOR reserves a right to be publicly recognized as an author of the APPLICATION 
and a right to make presentations of the APPLICATION to potential employers and any other 
persons, to reference the APPLICATION in resume, to place screenshots and video fragments 
of the APPLICATION GUI and descriptions of the APPLICATION on his website for public 
The AUTHOR is NOT responsible for further support and development of the 
APPLICATION under this AGREEMENT. If the COMPANY needs to do any changes 
to the APPLICATION it is a subject for an additional fee under a new agreement with 
the AUTHOR or another software developer. The amount of work efforts, price and 
terms of further development is not covered by this AGREEMENT and shall be 
negotiated separately from this AGREEMENT.  
A party of this AGREEMENT is considered to comply (or to be in conformance) with the 
terms of this Section 5. (FULFILLMENT) , when the party complies with all the terms of each 
subsection of this Section 5. (FULFILLMENT) provided fulfillment steps shall be 

Полностью сам разрабатывал текстовку, могут быть ошибки как правового характера, так и языкового, ведь я же не нативный англичанин, тем более в юрисприденции. Не поверишь 15 страниц такого юртекста на инглише накатал, привел тебе всего один пункт о предоставляемых правах.

Исходная версия sanyock, :

Неужели непонятна разница?

Нет ограничений на тиражирование приватной части, я же писал, что там прав столько же, что и в ДОИП, вот на фрагмент лицухи:

Subject Matter and Granted Rights  

The COMPANY has requested and permitted the AUTHOR to add new features ("NEW 
FEATURES") to the APPLICATION. The COMPANY has provided remote working place 
with all required licensed Microsoft software preinstalled on the COMPANY's servers and 
remote access to it via internet for the AUTHOR. The list of NEW FEATURES of the 
Page 3 of 11 XXX License - XXX2010
COMPANY Signature:__________ Date:__________ AUTHOR Signature:__________ Date:___...-mail, all requested NEW FEATURES have been 
implemented by the AUTHOR and added to the APPLICATION.  
The AUTHOR has permitted the COMPANY to use the BINARIES of the APPLICATION to 
test the APPLICATION during TRIAL PERIOD under another temporary free of charge trial 
simple license agreement (NOT this AGREEMENT). The AUTHOR by request of the 
COMPANY has installed the APPLICATION BINARIES at the beginning of the TRIAL 
PERIOD on the COMPANY's servers. 
Under this exclusive license AGREEMENT at the moment when each party of the 
AGREEMENT becomes in conformance with the terms of Section 5. (FULFILLMENT) the 
AUTHOR immediately grants the COMPANY rights ("RIGHTS") to use the APPLICATION 
in the following ways: 
- execution of the APPLICATION on any number of computers 
- public performance, public communication, presentation, publishing, republishing, 
- reproduction (production of copies) 
- modification, adaptation, translation, creation of derivative works 
- distribution and sublicensing of the APPLICATION and any derivatives 
- import and export 
Until the COMPANY is in full compliance with the terms of Section 5. (FULFILLMENT) the 
RIGHTS are not granted. 
The territory of the AGREEMENT are all countries of the world (worldwide license). 
The duration of this agreement is 1,000,000 (one million) years since EFFECTIVE DATE if 
allowed by the applicable law, otherwise it is 70 (seventy) years since EFFECTIVE DATE. 
The maximum allowed circulation of the APPLICATION copies is unlimited. 
The AUTHOR reserves a right to be publicly recognized as an author of the APPLICATION 
and a right to make presentations of the APPLICATION to potential employers and any other 
persons, to reference the APPLICATION in resume, to place screenshots and video fragments 
of the APPLICATION GUI and descriptions of the APPLICATION on his website for public 
The AUTHOR is NOT responsible for further support and development of the 
APPLICATION under this AGREEMENT. If the COMPANY needs to do any changes 
to the APPLICATION it is a subject for an additional fee under a new agreement with 
the AUTHOR or another software developer. The amount of work efforts, price and 
terms of further development is not covered by this AGREEMENT and shall be 
negotiated separately from this AGREEMENT.  
A party of this AGREEMENT is considered to comply (or to be in conformance) with the 
terms of this Section 5. (FULFILLMENT) , when the party complies with all the terms of each 
subsection of this Section 5. (FULFILLMENT) provided fulfillment steps shall be 

Полностью сам разрабатывал текстовку, могут быть ошибки как правового характера, так и языкового, ведь я же не нативный англичанин, тем более в юрисприденции. Не поверишь 15 страниц такого юртекста на инглише накатал, привел тебе всего один пункт о предоставляемых правах.