История изменений

Исправление kirk_johnson, (текущая версия) :

Я вот с таким сижу:

$ cat .zprofile
# Set the scaling factor for GTK3/Qt5 applications
export GDK_SCALE=2
$ cat .xsession
#!/bin/zsh -l
# Configure X11 session for this user

# Set the keyboard repeat rate
xset r rate 200 40

# Set the keyboard layout
setxkbmap \
	-layout us,ru \
	-option grp:toggle \
	-option grp_led:scroll \
	-option compose:menu

# Prepare the X root window
feh --bg-center ~/.config/i3/wallpaper.jpg

# Run the screen locker
setsid -f xidle

# Start the WM
exec i3

Исходная версия kirk_johnson, :

Я вот с таким сижу:

$ cat .zprofile
# Set the scaling factor for GTK3/Qt5 applications
export GDK_SCALE=2

$ cat .xsession
#!/bin/zsh -l
# Configure X11 session for this user

# Set the keyboard repeat rate
xset r rate 200 40

# Set the keyboard layout
setxkbmap \
	-layout us,ru \
	-option grp:toggle \
	-option grp_led:scroll \
	-option compose:menu

# Prepare the X root window
feh --bg-center ~/.config/i3/wallpaper.jpg

# Run the screen locker
setsid -f xidle

# Start the WM
exec i3