История изменений
Исправление FedyaPryanichkov, (текущая версия) :
We have some other more immediate plans. We have 100% confirmation that at least 80-90% of Russian Xabber users use it for buying drugs. And since our crowdfunding campaign goes rather slow,we... Let's say, not too interested into stretching ourselves and give one more encryption method for this cathegory of users. In fact, we are considering removing Xabber from Russian play store at all,we have some very unwanted attention from authorities because of OTR, but to add yet more to it... No. Definitely not now.
Anyone who wants us to add OMEMO functionality to Xabber for Android should pay us 1 bitcoin. Adding it to iOS and Web version would cost additional 0.5 bitcoin each. With this, I'm locking down this thread until further notice.
Исправление FedyaPryanichkov, :
Anyone who wants us to add OMEMO functionality to Xabber for Android should pay us 1 bitcoin. Adding it to iOS and Web version would cost additional 0.5 bitcoin each. With this, I'm locking down this thread until further notice.
Исправление FedyaPryanichkov, :
Anyone who wants us to add OMEMO functionality to Xabber for Android should pay us 1 bitcoin. Adding it to iOS and Web version would cost additional 0.5 bitcoin each. With this, I'm locking down this thread until further notice.
Исходная версия FedyaPryanichkov, :
Anyone who wants us to add OMEMO functionality to Xabber for Android should pay us 1 bitcoin. Adding it to iOS and Web version would cost additional 0.5 bitcoin each. With this, I'm locking down this thread until further notice.