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Исправление dotcoder, (текущая версия) :
I believe the article is very misleading. Verona is a research language meant to explore different ways of modeling safe programming without a garbage collector. It’s not Rust based at all though it is inspired in part by Rust (and Pony). Microsoft does use Rust and will probably expand its usage in the future, and it does contribute to Rust development. Verona is not meant as a replacement to Rust. I think Matt’s talk makes this pretty clear. The article is just very poorly written.
Вот сам доклад (06:50): https://vimeo.com/376180843
Исходная версия dotcoder, :
I believe the article is very misleading. Verona is a research language meant to explore different ways of modeling safe programming without a garbage collector. It’s not Rust based at all though it is inspired in part by Rust (and Pony). Microsoft does use Rust and will probably expand its usage in the future, and it does contribute to Rust development. Verona is not meant as a replacement to Rust. I think Matt’s talk makes this pretty clear. The article is just very poorly written.