История изменений

Исправление question4, (текущая версия) :

Ага, виновное подразделение, наконец, откликнулось:

West Midlands Police Verified Account
В ответ @G_IW @WalsallCouncil 	
The poster - produced by a third party - was created as an aide memoire to assist teachers with safeguarding in schools. It was taken from wider information on cyber tools which could be used to commit cyber attacks, but equally have a legitimate purpose.
10:05 - 13 февр. 2020 г. 

То есть даже не для родителей, а учителей.

Исходная версия question4, :

Ага, виновное подразделение, наконец, откликнулось:

West Midlands Police Verified Account
В ответ @G_IW @WalsallCouncil 	
The poster - produced by a third party - was created as an aide memoire to assist teachers with safeguarding in schools. It was taken from wider information on cyber tools which could be used to commit cyber attacks, but equally have a legitimate purpose.
10:05 - 13 февр. 2020 г.