История изменений
Исправление Axon, (текущая версия) :
Ну хоть не Brietbart. А теперь читаем внимательно:
‘I’ll say it again. White Lives Don’t Matter. As white lives.’
She added: ’I would also like to make clear I stand by my tweets, now deleted by Twitter, not me.
’They were very clearly speaking to a structure and ideology, not about people.
‘My Tweet said whiteness is not special, not a criterion for making lives matter. I stand by that.’
Получается, что формулировочка, мягко говоря, не лучшая, но никакого фашизма и ненависти к белым за ней нет, а есть только неудачное изложение общепринятой академической позиции.
Исправление Axon, :
Ну хоть не Brietbart. А теперь читаем внимательно:
‘I’ll say it again. White Lives Don’t Matter. As white lives.’
She added: ’I would also like to make clear I stand by my tweets, now deleted by Twitter, not me.
’They were very clearly speaking to a structure and ideology, not about people.
‘My Tweet said whiteness is not special, not a criterion for making lives matter. I stand by that.’
Получается, что формулировочка, мягко говоря, не лучшая, но никакого фашизма и ненависти к белым за ней нет, а есть только неудачное изложение общепринятой академической позиции.
Исходная версия Axon, :
Ну хоть не Brietbart. А теперь читаем внимательно:
‘I’ll say it again. White Lives Don’t Matter. As white lives.’
She added: ’I would also like to make clear I stand by my tweets, now deleted by Twitter, not me.
’They were very clearly speaking to a structure and ideology, not about people.
‘My Tweet said whiteness is not special, not a criterion for making lives matter. I stand by that.’