История изменений
Исправление Avial, (текущая версия) :
Kelly, like most historians, places the brunt of the responsibility for this fiasco on the shoulders of Trevelyan. As the policy leader of the famine response program, Trevelyan was not a Mengele-style mad scientist but a civil servant known for his «unbending moral rectitude and personal intensity.» Unfortunately for the Irish, the faith he embraced was a fusion of Moralism, «an evangelical sect that preached a passionate gospel of self-help» and the laissez-faire economics of Adam Smith and Edmund Burke. At several key points in the evolution of the catastrophe, when strategic intervention might have fended off thousands of deaths, Trevelyan refused, maintaining that there was no greater evil than interfering with market forces. When a subordinate protested, he would send him a copy of Burke’s «Thoughts and Details on Scarcity.»
— Рецензия на книгу «The Graves Are Walking» Джона Келли
Или так, например
Ну тогда сойдемся просто на том, что и капитализм и социализзм одинаково измараны в крови, лагерях и голоде.
Исправление Avial, :
Kelly, like most historians, places the brunt of the responsibility for this fiasco on the shoulders of Trevelyan. As the policy leader of the famine response program, Trevelyan was not a Mengele-style mad scientist but a civil servant known for his «unbending moral rectitude and personal intensity.» Unfortunately for the Irish, the faith he embraced was a fusion of Moralism, «an evangelical sect that preached a passionate gospel of self-help» and the laissez-faire economics of Adam Smith and Edmund Burke. At several key points in the evolution of the catastrophe, when strategic intervention might have fended off thousands of deaths, Trevelyan refused, maintaining that there was no greater evil than interfering with market forces. When a subordinate protested, he would send him a copy of Burke’s «Thoughts and Details on Scarcity.»
— Рецензия на книгу «The Graves Are Walking» Джона Келли
Или так, например
Ну тогда сойдемся просто на том, что и капитализм и социализзм одинаково измараны в крови, лагерях и голоде.
Исходная версия Avial, :
Kelly, like most historians, places the brunt of the responsibility for this fiasco on the shoulders of Trevelyan. As the policy leader of the famine response program, Trevelyan was not a Mengele-style mad scientist but a civil servant known for his «unbending moral rectitude and personal intensity.» Unfortunately for the Irish, the faith he embraced was a fusion of Moralism, «an evangelical sect that preached a passionate gospel of self-help» and the laissez-faire economics of Adam Smith and Edmund Burke. At several key points in the evolution of the catastrophe, when strategic intervention might have fended off thousands of deaths, Trevelyan refused, maintaining that there was no greater evil than interfering with market forces. When a subordinate protested, he would send him a copy of Burke’s «Thoughts and Details on Scarcity.»
— Рецензия на книгу «The Graves Are Walking» Джона Келли
Ну тогда сойдемся просто на том, что и капитализм и социализзм одинаково измараны в крови, лагерях и голоде.