История изменений
(текущая версия)
2015 DMCA Exemptions, effective October 28, 2016:
1. Motion pictures (including television shows and videos)
2. Literary works, distributed electronically, protected by TPM interfering with assistive technologies
3. Computer programs that enable devices to connect to a wireless network (“unlocking”)
4. Computer programs on smartphones and all-purpose mobile computing devices (“jailbreaking”)
5. Computer programs on smart TVs (“jailbreaking”)
6. Vehicle software to enable diagnosis, repair, or modification.
7. Computer programs to enable good faith research of security flaws
8. Video games requiring server communication
9. Software to limit feedstock of 3D printers
10 Patient data from implanted networked medical devices
Исходная версия
[code] 2015 DMCA Exemptions, effective October 28, 2016:
- Motion pictures (including television shows and videos)
- Literary works, distributed electronically, protected by TPM interfering with assistive technologies
- Computer programs that enable devices to connect to a wireless network (“unlocking”)
- Computer programs on smartphones and all-purpose mobile computing devices (“jailbreaking”)
- Computer programs on smart TVs (“jailbreaking”)
- Vehicle software to enable diagnosis, repair, or modification.
- Computer programs to enable good faith research of security flaws
- Video games requiring server communication
- Software to limit feedstock of 3D printers 10 Patient data from implanted networked medical devices[/code]