История изменений

Исправление qulinxao3, (текущая версия) :

жаль(ли?) что в оберонце при наличие сборщика мусора - и при вложенности процедур Вирт вроде как не приемлил замыканьеца

ибо(?!)My first remark is that, although the programmer’s activity ends when he has constructed a correct program, the process taking place under control of his program is the true subject matter of his activity, for it is this process that has to effectuate the desired effect, it is this process that in its dynamic behaviour has to satisfy the desired specifications. Yet, once the program has been made, the “making” of the corresponding process is delegated to the machine.

упс точнее:

My second remark is that our intellectual powers are rather geared to master static relations and that our powers to visualize processes evolving in time are relatively poorly developed. For that reason we should do (as wise programmers aware of our limitations) our utmost best to shorten the conceptual gap between the static program and the dynamic process, to make the correspondence between the program (spread out in text space) and the process (spread out in time) as trivial as possible.

али в нонешних Оберонах есть замыканьеца?

Исходная версия qulinxao3, :

жаль(ли?) что в оберонце при наличие сборщика мусора - и при вложенности процедур Вирт вроде как не приемлил замыканьеца

ибо(?!)My first remark is that, although the programmer’s activity ends when he has constructed a correct program, the process taking place under control of his program is the true subject matter of his activity, for it is this process that has to effectuate the desired effect, it is this process that in its dynamic behaviour has to satisfy the desired specifications. Yet, once the program has been made, the “making” of the corresponding process is delegated to the machine.

али в нонешних Оберонах есть замыканьеца?