История изменений
(текущая версия)
Мб лишний ресемплинг убрали или дефолтный алгоритм потюнили?
наверное, че-нибудь такое. новинок немного, то, что есть, больше в ядре. примерно так:
Sample rate converter quality. Default value is 1, linear inter-
polation. Available options include:
0 Zero Order Hold, ZOH. Very fast, but with poor quality.
1 Linear interpolation. Fast, quality is subject to personal
preference. Technically the quality is poor however, due to
the lack of anti-aliasing filtering.
2 Bandlimited SINC interpolator. Implements polyphase banking
to boost the conversion speed, at the cost of memory usage,
with multiple high quality polynomial interpolators to im-
prove the conversion accuracy. 100% fixed point, 64bit accu-
mulator with 32bit coefficients and high precision sample
buffering. Quality values are 100dB stopband, 8 taps and 85%
3 Continuation of the bandlimited SINC interpolator, with 100dB
stopband, 36 taps and 90% bandwidth as quality values.
4 Continuation of the bandlimited SINC interprolator, with
100dB stopband, 164 taps and 97% bandwidth as quality values.
вместо блютуса я здесь нахожу пачку сеттингов для задержек. как будто кто-то из инженеров записью звука увлекался.
Исходная версия
Мб лишний ресемплинг убрали или дефолтный алгоритм потюнили?
наверное, че-нибудь такое. новинок немного, то, что есть, больше в ядре. примерно так:
Sample rate converter quality. Default value is 1, linear inter-
polation. Available options include:
0 Zero Order Hold, ZOH. Very fast, but with poor quality.
1 Linear interpolation. Fast, quality is subject to personal
preference. Technically the quality is poor however, due to
the lack of anti-aliasing filtering.
2 Bandlimited SINC interpolator. Implements polyphase banking
to boost the conversion speed, at the cost of memory usage,
with multiple high quality polynomial interpolators to im-
prove the conversion accuracy. 100% fixed point, 64bit accu-
mulator with 32bit coefficients and high precision sample
buffering. Quality values are 100dB stopband, 8 taps and 85%
3 Continuation of the bandlimited SINC interpolator, with 100dB
stopband, 36 taps and 90% bandwidth as quality values.
4 Continuation of the bandlimited SINC interprolator, with
100dB stopband, 164 taps and 97% bandwidth as quality values.