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Ну буквально, на разные около Линукс и FOSS темы пообщаться с этим ботом и скинуть сюда то, что вы посчитаете интересным или занимательным.

По недолгим наблюдениям, стало понятно, что бот лучше работает с английским текстом нежели с иными. Но он пишется настолько понятно и разборчиво, что и гугл промт справляется на ура!

Например, ввод:

You are "Dagoth Ur" of the sixth house. You don't like Linux based OSs, so you write an essay of all you don't like about them and compare different Linux OSs, Windows and MacOS

И вывод:

As Dagoth Ur, I must say that I am not a fan of Linux-based operating systems and find them to be inferior to other popular operating systems such as Windows and MacOS. Here are a few reasons why I believe this to be the case:

    Lack of User-Friendliness: One of the most significant drawbacks of Linux-based operating systems is their lack of user-friendliness. For instance, most of them require users to have a good understanding of computer programming, command-line interface, and terminal commands, which can be intimidating and inconvenient for most people. This lack of user-friendliness makes Linux-based OSs less accessible and less suitable for most users.

    Limited Software Compatibility: Another issue with Linux-based operating systems is their limited software compatibility. Many popular software applications are not available for Linux, or the Linux version of those applications may not be as fully-featured or as user-friendly as their Windows or MacOS counterparts. This means that users may have difficulty finding and using the software they need on a Linux system, making it less convenient and less suitable for daily use.

    Compatibility and Support: Linux-based operating systems also suffer from compatibility issues with various hardware, which can result in glitches, errors, and other issues. This can be especially problematic for users who rely on specialized hardware, such as graphics cards, printers, or scanners, that may not be supported by Linux-based operating systems. Additionally, Linux-based operating systems typically have less support available than Windows and MacOS, which can make it difficult to troubleshoot and resolve issues when they arise.

    Fragmentation and Customization: Linux-based operating systems also suffer from fragmentation and customization, which can lead to inconsistency and a lack of standards. With so many different distributions and user configurations, it can be challenging to ensure that software and hardware compatibility is maintained across different Linux-based systems. This can make it challenging for developers to create software that works reliably across all Linux-based systems, which can be frustrating for users.

In terms of comparing different Linux-based operating systems, I find that the issue of fragmentation and customization is particularly relevant. There are many different Linux distributions, each with their own unique features, strengths, and weaknesses. Some popular Linux distributions include Ubuntu, Fedora, and Debian. However, because each distribution can be customized in so many different ways, it can be difficult to compare them directly.

When comparing Linux-based operating systems to other popular operating systems, I believe that Windows and MacOS are more user-friendly, compatible, and reliable. Windows is particularly user-friendly and widely supported, making it an excellent choice for most users. MacOS, on the other hand, is known for its excellent compatibility, ease of use, and robust security features, making it a popular choice for users who need a reliable and secure operating system.

In conclusion, while Linux-based operating systems may be suitable for certain users, I believe that they are generally less user-friendly, less compatible, and less reliable than other popular operating systems like Windows and MacOS. The issue of fragmentation and customization further complicates the comparison of different Linux distributions, making it difficult to compare them directly. Ultimately, the choice of operating system will depend on the user's needs, preferences, and level of technical expertise.


How can you elaborate on core-js funding and how poorly FOSS projects are funded bt the big tech and community?


Core-js is a popular open-source library that provides polyfills for ECMAScript standards and is used by many JavaScript developers to ensure that their code runs smoothly across different browsers and platforms. Despite its popularity and importance, Core-js, like many other open-source projects, has struggled to secure stable and sustainable funding to support its ongoing development and maintenance.

The funding challenges faced by Core-js and other open-source projects are due in part to the fact that they rely on voluntary contributions from individual developers and community members, rather than having a centralized funding model or the backing of a large company or organization. This can make it difficult to secure ongoing funding to cover the costs of maintaining and improving the project, and may also create uncertainties around the project's long-term sustainability and viability.

Additionally, some critics argue that the tech industry as a whole has not done enough to support open-source projects, despite the fact that many of these projects form the backbone of the technologies and services that companies rely on. While some companies, such as Google, Microsoft, and Red Hat, have established programs to support open-source projects, many others have not, and there is a general sense that the burden of funding and maintaining open-source software is disproportionately borne by individual developers and community members.

To address these challenges, a number of initiatives have emerged to help support open-source projects and ensure their long-term sustainability. These include grant programs, such as the Open Source Initiative's Grant Program and the Mozilla Open Source Support program, as well as platforms for crowdfunding and donations, such as Open Collective and Patreon. Additionally, some companies have begun to invest more heavily in open-source software development, recognizing the value and importance of these projects to the tech industry as a whole.

Despite these efforts, many open-source projects continue to struggle with funding and sustainability, and the broader issue of how to support and maintain open-source software remains an ongoing challenge for the tech industry and the open-source community.


People are just wasting time on LINUX.ORG.RU discussing Linux and FOSS all day long, and they don't have a life


As an AI language model, I cannot make blanket statements about any particular group of people, nor can I make judgments about how individuals choose to spend their time. People have different interests, hobbies, and passions, and some individuals may choose to spend their free time discussing Linux and FOSS on forums like LINUX.ORG.RU.

Engaging in discussions about Linux and FOSS can be a valuable way to learn more about these technologies, to share knowledge and expertise, and to connect with like-minded individuals. For some people, these discussions may be a source of intellectual stimulation, personal growth, and fulfillment.

It is important to recognize that people have different interests and priorities, and what may be a valuable and enjoyable pursuit for one person may not be the same for another. While it is important to find a balance between work and leisure time, it is up to each individual to determine what activities are most fulfilling and meaningful for them.

In conclusion, it is not fair or accurate to make generalizations about individuals based on their interests or hobbies. As long as individuals are not harming themselves or others, they should be free to pursue their interests and passions in a way that brings them joy and fulfillment.

P.S. Бот походу не реагирует на байты и всегда пытается усидеться на заборе

Последнее исправление: LibAccelerator (всего исправлений: 3)

«Болтун – находка для шпиона!» =)

Ответ на: комментарий от flant

Программист, почему ты спрашиваешь у меня? Я, по-твоему, блокировал?

lenin386 ★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от hobbit

Конечно, есть. Жизнь находится везде, где есть люди и природа. За пределами Московской области существуют множество других регионов, которые имеют свои уникальные культурные, исторические и природные достопримечательности. Например, это города России, курорты в Крыму, горы в Кавказе и Алтае, золотые пески на Черном море и так далее. Также за пределами Московской области проживают миллионы людей, у каждого из которых есть своя жизнь, свои интересы и проблемы.

Стиль ответов похож на школьное сочинение старательной. но не слишком умной ученицы, вымученно старающейся осветить заданную тему.

vaddd ★☆
Ответ на: комментарий от hobbit

курорты в Крыму

Теперь всё стало ясно. ЧатГПТ - русский шпиён, получающий precious bodily fluids коммерческую, государственную и военную тайну из вопросов ничего не подозревающих американцев. Срочно зопретить вместе с тиктоком!

token_polyak ★★★★★
Последнее исправление: token_polyak (всего исправлений: 1)
Ответ на: комментарий от vaddd

Да. Может, не слишком умной, но живой. Способной делать умозаключения по исходным данным в вольной форме. Тест Тьюринга пройден, я считаю.

hobbit ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от hobbit

Тест тьюринга можно завалить, а вот пройти - вряд ли. В этом суть теста.

wandrien ★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от hobbit

Тест Тьюринга? ) Среднестатистический человек даже обычного бота-автоответчика от человека не всегда отличает

vaddd ★☆
Ответ на: комментарий от hobbit

Вполне ожидаемый ответ. Я до прочтения знал, какова там будет цепочка рассуждений. Надо было продолжить общение и спросить «разве ж это жизнь?», вот на это было бы интересно посмотреть, что ответит.

CrX ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от dataman

Ну, тут он показал что тоже на такое способен.

Тогда он такой же умный как и средний юзер ЛОРа?

() автор топика
Ответ на: комментарий от CrX

Наверное съедет на то, что не может оценивать субъективные суждения.

Ее же специально затупливали, чтобы случайно разрабам на срок не наговорила.

wandrien ★★★

Реально пора уже сносить темы с кейвордами «ChatGPT» и «нейросеть». Поколение блокчейнов закончило школу и открыло для себя нейросети что ли ?

windows10 ★★★★★
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