История изменений

Исправление AP, (текущая версия) :

Microsoft and GitHub have investigated the issue and determined that a Github user updated a script within the FFMPeg-Builds project that pulled content from This build was configured to run parallel simultaneous tests on 100 different types of computers/architectures. This activity does not appear to be nefarious. GMPLIB appears to have limited infrastructure that could not sustain the limited, yet simultaneous requests.

А вот ответ мейнтейнера — шикардос просто.

Отдельно стоит отметить, что мейнтейнера порвало в клочья:

Your reply seems to suggest that it is our fault, that we ought to have more powerful servers to accommodate this behaviour. Really?

I have much better things to do than defend a public service web server against corporate abuse!

Взрослый мужик, а такая истеричка.

Исходная версия AP, :

Microsoft and GitHub have investigated the issue and determined that a Github user updated a script within the FFMPeg-Builds project that pulled content from This build was configured to run parallel simultaneous tests on 100 different types of computers/architectures. This activity does not appear to be nefarious. GMPLIB appears to have limited infrastructure that could not sustain the limited, yet simultaneous requests.