История изменений

Исправление AP, (текущая версия) :

Прямо там же в теме, разработчиков макают в их же испражнения, что на рынке большинство дисплеев lowdpi:

Прямо там же в ветке разработчик гнома ebassi пишет:

While it is true that hardware manufacturers are moving to HiDPI displays, it’s also true that the most common resolution for displays is still currently (2020) sitting at 1080p, with about 65-70% of Steam users (source: Wikipedia).

We’re probably a few years away from HiDPI be the standard, and we should not actively try to make the UX worse in the meantime.

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In the future, we should have a better (and GPU-based) text rendering stack that supports sub-pixel positioning a lot better than the current one, where we lose precision by going through different layers using different fixed point representations; this should already improve the rendering on non-HiDPI displays. In any case, font hinting being enabled on non-HiDPI displays already mitigates most of the issues raised here.


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Исправление AP, :

Прямо там же в теме, разработчиков макают в их же испражнения, что на рынке большинство дисплеев lowdpi:

Прямо там же в ветке разработчик гнома ebassi пишет:

While it is true that hardware manufacturers are moving to HiDPI displays, it’s also true that the most common resolution for displays is still currently (2020) sitting at 1080p, with about 65-70% of Steam users (source: Wikipedia).

We’re probably a few years away from HiDPI be the standard, and we should not actively try to make the UX worse in the meantime.

Нужна помощь с переводом?

Вывод: не надо врать. Говорите как есть. Тогда решать будет легче.


In the future, we should have a better (and GPU-based) text rendering stack that supports sub-pixel positioning a lot better than the current one, where we lose precision by going through different layers using different fixed point representations; this should already improve the rendering on non-HiDPI displays. In any case, font hinting being enabled on non-HiDPI displays already mitigates most of the issues raised here.


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Исходная версия AP, :

Прямо там же в теме, разработчиков макают в их же испражнения, что на рынке большинство дисплеев lowdpi:

Прямо там же в ветке разрабюотчик гнома ebassi пишет:

While it is true that hardware manufacturers are moving to HiDPI displays, it’s also true that the most common resolution for displays is still currently (2020) sitting at 1080p, with about 65-70% of Steam users (source: Wikipedia).

We’re probably a few years away from HiDPI be the standard, and we should not actively try to make the UX worse in the meantime.

Нужна помощь с переводом?

Вывод: не надо врать. Говорите как есть. Тогда решать будет легче.


In the future, we should have a better (and GPU-based) text rendering stack that supports sub-pixel positioning a lot better than the current one, where we lose precision by going through different layers using different fixed point representations; this should already improve the rendering on non-HiDPI displays. In any case, font hinting being enabled on non-HiDPI displays already mitigates most of the issues raised here.


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