История изменений
Исправление greenman, (текущая версия) :
But they differ in graphics, the N95 has 16 Execution Units, the N100 has 24. So for gaming the N100 is clearly better.
Зато у N95 TDP (по-умолчанию) выше.
(Там ещё N97 есть)
Исправление greenman, :
But they differ in graphics, the N95 has 16 Execution Units, the N100 has 24. So for gaming the N100 is clearly better.
Зато у N95 TDP (по-умолчанию) выше.
Исходная версия greenman, :
But they differ in graphics, the N95 has 16 Execution Units, the N100 has 24. So for gaming the N100 is clearly better.
Зато у N95 TDP (по-умолочанию) выше.