История изменений

Исправление lazyklimm, (текущая версия) :

<C guy>: Lisp? Ah yeah, that's this weird functional language with lots of parens...

<Haskell guy>: Lisp? Ah yeah, that's this weird imperative language with lots of parens...

<Lisp guy> Lisp? Ah yeah, that's the programming language. Parentheses? What parentheses?..

(c) Didier Verna/Jtootf

Исходная версия lazyklimm, :

<C guy>: Lisp? Ah yeah, that's this weird functional language with lots of parens...

<Haskell guy>: Lisp? Ah yeah, that's this weird imperative language with lots of parens...

<Lisp guy> Lisp? Ah yeah, that's the programming language. Parentheses? What parentheses?..

(c) Zach Beane/Jtootf