История изменений
Исправление invy, (текущая версия) :
нет, там речь идёт о стандартном браузере ноклы на некоторых телефонах.
From the tests that were preformed, it is evident that Nokia is performing Man In The Middle Attack for sensitive HTTPS traffic originated from their phone and hence they do have access to clear text information which could include user credentials to various sites such as social networking, banking, credit card information or anything that is sensitive in nature. In short, be it HTTP or HTTPS site when browsed through the phone in subject, Nokia has complete information unencrypted (in clear text format) available to them for them to use or abuse. Up on checking privacy statement in Nokia’s website following can be found.
Исходная версия invy, :
нет, там речь идёт о стандартном браузере ноклы на некоторых телефонах.