История изменений

Исправление Axon, (текущая версия) :

Других преимуществ, окромя «быстрой загрузки», у systemd не наблюдается.

Справедливости ради:

Myth: systemd is about speed.

Yes, systemd is fast (A pretty complete userspace boot-up in ~900ms, anyone?), but that's primarily just a side-effect of doing things right. In fact, we never really sat down and optimized the last tiny bit of performance out of systemd. Instead, we actually frequently knowingly picked the slightly slower code paths in order to keep the code more readable. This doesn't mean being fast was irrelevant for us, but reducing systemd to its speed is certainly quite a misconception, since that is certainly not anywhere near the top of our list of goals.

Исходная версия Axon, :

Других преимуществ, окромя «быстрой загрузки», у systemd не наблюдается.

Справедливости ради: