История изменений
Исправление Nxx, (текущая версия) :
The above results imply that no observer can apply the theory to the whole world: if he applies it to a system he is properly contained in, then with no experiment can he distinguish all states of the system. For each observer, the biggest system to which he can apply the theory does not contain himself. Still, the theory might be universally valid in the sense that for every part of the world some observer can apply the theory to it. Since—for an operationalist—the range of applicability of a theory depends on the observer, I call such a theory universally valid in the relative sense.
An operationalist might try maintain absolute universal validity of a classical theory by renouncing the requirement that there be an experiment able to distinguish all states. Instead he could just require that for any two different states of his theory there is some experiment able to distinguish between them. This option is not open in quantum mechanics: there are states of Ou which cannot be distinguished by any experiment. Therefore even this more modest operationalist would have to admit that quantum mechanics can be universally valid at most in the relative sense.
c.22 23 24 https://homepages.fhv.at/tb/cms/?download=tbPHILSC.pdf
Исходная версия Nxx, :
The above results imply that no observer can apply the theory to the whole world: if he applies it to a system he is properly contained in, then with no experiment can he distinguish all states of the system. For each observer, the biggest system to which he can apply the theory does not contain himself. Still, the theory might be universally valid in the sense that for every part of the world some observer can apply the theory to it. Since—for an operationalist—the range of applicability of a theory depends on the observer, I call such a theory universally valid in the relative sense.
An operationalist might try maintain absolute universal validity of a classical theory by renouncing the equirement that there be an experiment able to distinguish all states. Instead he could just require that for any two different states of his theory there is some experiment able to distinguish between them. This option is not open in quantum mechanics: there are states of Ou which cannot be distinguished by any experiment. Therefore even this more modest operationalist would have to admit that quantum mechanics can be universally valid at most in the relative sense.
c.22 23 24 https://homepages.fhv.at/tb/cms/?download=tbPHILSC.pdf