История изменений
(текущая версия)
Dear Senator XXX,
My name is Vasya Zasranov, I live in Selo Zadrishensk, Russia.
Unfortunately, our government is (skipped) and just keeps copypasting
laws that you accept. CISPA frightens the heck out of us. It's not
good - ask Richard Stallman why, he's a wise American shaman, you know.
Really. Please, vote 'no'. If you accept it our government will surely
copy and paste it here, and unlike regular copy and paste, they make
terrible mistakes during translation that result in millions dead or
imprisoned in gulag, including bears.
Yours sincerely,
Vasya Zasranov and his pet bear Sylvanas.
Как-то так мне это представилось...
Dear Senator XXX,
My name is Vasya Zasranov, I live in Selo Zadrishensk, Russia.
Unfortunately, our government is (skipped) and just keeps copypasting
laws that you accept. CISPA frightens the heck out of us. It's not
good - ask Richard Stallman why, he's a wise american guy, you know.
Really. Please, vote 'no'. If you accept it our government will surely
copy and paste it here, and unlike regular copy and paste, they make
terrible mistakes during translation that result in millions dead or
imprisoned in gulag, including bears.
Yours, sincerely.
Vasya Zasranov and his pet bear Sylvanas.
Как-то так мне это представилось...
Dear Senator XXX,
My name is Vasya Zasranov, I live in Selo Zadrishensk, Russia.
Unfortunately, our government is (skipped) and just keeps copypasting
laws that you accept. CISPA frightens the heck out of us. It's not
good - ask Richard Stallman why, he's a wise american guy, you know.
Really. Please, vote 'no'. If you accept it our government will surely
copy and paste it here, and unlike regular copy and paste, they make
terrible mistakes during translation that result in millions dead or
imprisoned in gulag, including bears.
Yours, sincerely.
Vasya Zalupin and his pet bear Sylvanas.
Как-то так мне это представилось...
Dear Senator XXX,
My name is Vasya Zasranov, I live in Selo Zadrishensk, Russia. Unfortunately, our government is (skipped) and just keeps copypasting
laws that you accept. CISPA frightens the heck out of us. It's not
good - ask Richard Stallman why, he's a wise american guy, you know. Really. Please, vote 'no'. If you accept it our government will surely
copy and paste it here, and unlike regular copy and paste, they make
terrible mistakes during translation that result in millions dead or
imprisoned in gulag, including bears.
Yours, sincerely.
Vasya Zalupin and his pet bear Sylvanas.
Как-то так мне это представилось...
Dear Senator XXX,
My name is Vasya Zasranov, I live in Selo Zadrishensk, Russia. Unfortunately, our government is (skipped) and just keeps copypasting laws that you accept. CISPA frightens the heck out of us. It's not good - ask Richard Stallman why, he's a wise american guy, you know. Really. Please, vote 'no'. If you accept it our government will surely copy and paste it here, and unlike regular copy and paste, they make terrible mistakes during translation that result in millions dead or imprisoned in gulag, including bears.
Yours, sincerely.
Vasya Zalupin and his pet bear Sylvanas.
Как-то так мне это представилось...
Исходная версия
Dear Senator XXX,
My name is Vasya Zasranov, I live in Selo Zadrishensk, Russia. Unfortunately, our government is (skipped) and just keeps copypasting laws that you accept. CISPA frightens the heck out of us. It's not good - ask Richard Stallman why, he's a wise american guy, you know. Really. Please, vote 'no'. If you accept it our government will surely copy and paste it here, and unlike regular copy and paste, they make terrible mistakes during translation that result in millions dead or imprisoned in gulag, including bears.
Yours, sincerely.
Vasya Zalupin and his pet bear Sylvanas.
Как-то так мне это представилось...