История изменений

Исправление Adonai, (текущая версия) :

Может через libhybris осилят?

Гляди сюда

In order to connect your EGL stack to a Wayland display, you need to bind to one - you do this with eglBindWaylandDisplay(EGLDisplay, struct wl_display *) from the EGL_WL_bind_wayland_display. In libhybris, we provide this extension when it has been configured with --enable-wayland and available in most windowing systems (we provide an environment variable EGL_PLATFORM to select between 'windowing systems).

Но да, тут голыми блобами не обойдешься.

Исправление Adonai, :

Может через libhybris осилят?

Гляди сюда

In order to connect your EGL stack to a Wayland display, you need to bind to one - you do this with eglBindWaylandDisplay(EGLDisplay, struct wl_display *) from the EGL_WL_bind_wayland_display. In libhybris, we provide this extension when it has been configured with --enable-wayland and available in most windowing systems (we provide an environment variable EGL_PLATFORM to select between 'windowing systems).

Но да, тут голыми блобами не обойдешьсяю

Исправление Adonai, :

Может через libhybris осилят?

Гляди сюда

In order to connect your EGL stack to a Wayland display, you need to bind to one - you do this with eglBindWaylandDisplay(EGLDisplay, struct wl_display *) from the EGL_WL_bind_wayland_display. In libhybris, we provide this extension when it has been configured with --enable-wayland and available in most windowing systems (we provide an environment variable EGL_PLATFORM to select between 'windowing systems).

Исправление Adonai, :

Может через libhybris осилят?

Гляди сюда

Исходная версия Adonai, :

Может через libhybris осилят?