История изменений
Исправление Pinkbyte, (текущая версия) :
Согласие получено. Итак,
Clarification unacceptable and intolerant attitude to the users from the side a3li and edit23
He banned me from #gentoo #gentoo-oops ir channels and https://wiki.gentoo.org/.
He considers that I had trolling to #gentoo-chat. I was banned from #gentoo-chat because i posting there picture with Stallman and sexual girl.
22:33 < galker> a3li: Hi, Honey, Could you permaban me by dynamical ip, because it alsways changes, I have to done with irc-depending sicking :)
22:34 < galker> I drhouse123 with new nick :)
22:35 < galker> a3li: I blamed you :)
22:37 < galker> Little Alex Legner gone for sleep ? :)
22:38 < galker> eroen: hi, pussy :)
galker - это ТС, если кто не понял.
Официальный ответ от ComRel:
Galym Kerimbekov,
at this point I have every reason to believe the above 2 IRC nicks are from the same person and so that they are both yours. Given your comments here and your actions on IRC and the forums, I'm also starting to believe you're a troll.
The actions above are not acceptable and are indicative of a behaviour we don't want associated with Gentoo and won't stand for.
Unless you can convince us that the "galker" nick is not yours and that you're not harassing members of the community, I'm going to suggest that we close this bug as invalid and strongly suggest all moderators of Gentoo public mediums to treat you as a troll / spammer.
Исправление Pinkbyte, :
Согласие получено. Итак,
Clarification unacceptable and intolerant attitude to the users from the side a3li and edit23
He banned me from #gentoo #gentoo-oops ir channels and https://wiki.gentoo.org/.
He considers that I had trolling to #gentoo-chat. I was banned from #gentoo-chat because i posting there picture with Stallman and sexual girl.
22:33 < galker> a3li: Hi, Honey, Could you permaban me by dynamical ip, because it alsways changes, I have to done with irc-depending sicking :)
22:34 < galker> I drhouse123 with new nick :)
22:35 < galker> a3li: I blamed you :)
22:37 < galker> Little Alex Legner gone for sleep ? :)
22:38 < galker> eroen: hi, pussy :)
galker - это ТС, если кто не понял.
Исходная версия Pinkbyte, :
Согласие получено. Итак,
Clarification unacceptable and intolerant attitude to the users from the side a3li and edit23
He banned me from #gentoo #gentoo-oops ir channels and https://wiki.gentoo.org/.
He considers that I had trolling to #gentoo-chat. I was banned from #gentoo-chat because i posting there picture with Stallman and sexual girl.
22:33 < galker> a3li: Hi, Honey, Could you permaban me by dynamical ip, because it alsways changes, I have to done with irc-depending sicking :) 22:34 < galker> I drhouse123 with new nick :) 22:35 < galker> a3li: I blamed you :) 22:37 < galker> Little Alex Legner gone for sleep ? :) 22:38 < galker> eroen: hi, pussy :)
galker - это ТС, если кто не понял.