История изменений
Исправление Deleted, (текущая версия) :
Официальный говноблог, который никто не читает,
говноблог компании, с которой Бен подписал CLA http://nodejs.org/cla.html
You grant us the ability to use the Contributions in any way. You hereby grant to NodeJS, a non-exclusive, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, sublicenseable, transferable license under all of Your relevant intellectual property rights (including copyright, patent, and any other rights), to use, copy, prepare derivative works of, distribute and publicly perform and display the Contributions on any licensing terms, including without limitation: (a) open source licenses like the GNU General Public License (GPL), the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), the Common Public License, or the Berkeley Software Distribution license (BSD); and (b) binary, proprietary, or commercial licenses. Except for the licenses granted herein, You reserve all right, title, and interest in and to the Contribution.
Исходная версия Deleted, :
Официальный говноблог, который никто не читает,
говноблог компании, с которой Бен подписал CLA http://nodejs.org/cla.html