История изменений
Исправление slackwarrior, (текущая версия) :
там в комментах угар, как именно плохое - надо с ними говорить, чтоб понять, куда у них башня повернута набекрень и насколько «Alex, I see what you're saying, and from a close-up perspective you're right, it's just a word, and extra commits are an overhead.
That said, the lack of gender inclusivity in tech is an injustice that's to the detriment of us all... both socially *and* technically. We suffer *technologically* because we don't have more women here. What if @isaacs was a woman, and had been put off contributing? Or @bnoordhuis or @felixge? How many great coders and amazing projects aren't here because we've made women feel excluded?
Unless of course you think women don't have a valuable technical contribution to make, or that there is no barrier for women to enter communities like this. Both of those would be fair (but wrong) arguments.
Yes, it's just a couple of words in a comment, but in the same way that a brick from the Berlin Wall is just a brick.
Thanks for listeningс
Rich» (с)
Показательный комент. Огромное количество ерунды из-за одного слова от «а вдруг самки» в комите - это же камень из Берлинской стены... Осси с вессями дружно обнялись и зарыдале
Исправление slackwarrior, :
там в комментах угар, как именно плохое - надо с ними говорить, чтоб понять, куда у них башня повернута набекрень и насколько «Alex, I see what you're saying, and from a close-up perspective you're right, it's just a word, and extra commits are an overhead.
That said, the lack of gender inclusivity in tech is an injustice that's to the detriment of us all... both socially *and* technically. We suffer *technologically* because we don't have more women here. What if @isaacs was a woman, and had been put off contributing? Or @bnoordhuis or @felixge? How many great coders and amazing projects aren't here because we've made women feel excluded?
Unless of course you think women don't have a valuable technical contribution to make, or that there is no barrier for women to enter communities like this. Both of those would be fair (but wrong) arguments.
Yes, it's just a couple of words in a comment, but in the same way that a brick from the Berlin Wall is just a brick.
Thanks for listeningс
Rich» (с)
Показательный комент. Огромное количество ерунды из-за одного слова от «а вдруг самки» в комите - это бля камень из Берлинской стены... Осси с вессями дружно обнялись и зарыдале
Исходная версия slackwarrior, :
там в комментах угар, как именно плохое - надо с ними говорить, чтоб понять, куда у них башня повернута набекрень и насколько «Alex,
I see what you're saying, and from a close-up perspective you're right, it's just a word, and extra commits are an overhead.
That said, the lack of gender inclusivity in tech is an injustice that's to the detriment of us all... both socially *and* technically. We suffer *technologically* because we don't have more women here. What if @isaacs was a woman, and had been put off contributing? Or @bnoordhuis or @felixge? How many great coders and amazing projects aren't here because we've made women feel excluded?
Unless of course you think women don't have a valuable technical contribution to make, or that there is no barrier for women to enter communities like this. Both of those would be fair (but wrong) arguments.
Yes, it's just a couple of words in a comment, but in the same way that a brick from the Berlin Wall is just a brick.
Thanks for listeningс
Rich» (с) Показательный комент. Огромное количество ерунды из-за одного слова от «а вдруг самки» в комите - это бля камень из Берлинской стены... Осси с вессями дружно обнялись и зарыдале