История изменений
Исправление lbvf50txt, (текущая версия) :
Он не про дизайн и красоту, а для написания простеньких утилит и микросервисов, там где питоны уже не вывозят.
Focusing on readability over cleverness, compatibility guaranty, and … the most interesting consequence of these matters is that Go code looks and works the same regardless of who’s writing it.
It is largely free of factions using different subsets of the language and is guaranteed to continue to compile and run as time goes on. That may be the first for a major programming language.
(c) Rob Pike
Rob Pike - What We Got Right, What We Got Wrong | GopherConAU 2023
Исправление lbvf50txt, :
Он не про дизайн и красоту, а для написания простеньких утилит и микросервисов, там где питоны уже не вывозят.
Focusing on readability over cleverness, compatibility guaranty, and … the most interesting consequence of these matters is that go code looks and works the same regardless of who’s writing it.
It is largely free of factions using different subsets of the language and is guaranteed to continue to compile and run as time goes on. That may be the first for a major programming language.
(c) Rob Pike
Rob Pike - What We Got Right, What We Got Wrong | GopherConAU 2023
Исходная версия lbvf50txt, :
Он не про дизайн и красоту, а для написания простеньких утилит и микросервисов, там где питоны уже не вывозят.
Focusing on readability over cleverness, compatibility guaranty, and … the most interesting consequence of these matters is that go code looks and works the same regardless of who’s writing it.
It is largely free of factions using different subsets of the language and is guaranteed to continue to compile and run as time goes on. That may be the first for a major programming language.
(c) Rob Pike
Rob Pike - What We Got Right, What We Got Wrong | GopherConAU 2023