История изменений

Исправление snoopcat, (текущая версия) :


function ssh_login($ip, $port, $user, $password) {
	if(!$conn = ssh2_connect("$ip", $port)) return("Can't connect to $ip");
	if(!ssh2_auth_password($conn, "$user", "$password")) return("Can't auth with $user, $password");
	return $conn;

function ssh_exec($link, $cmd) {
	$stream = ssh2_exec($link,"$cmd");
	$data = '';
	while($buf = fread($stream,4096)) {
    	    	$data .= $buf;
  	return $data;

$link = ssh_login("localhost", 22, "root", "verysecretpassword");
$result = ssh_exec($link, "ls -la");
echo $result;


Исправление snoopcat, :


function ssh_login($ip, $port, $user, $password) {
	if(!$conn = ssh2_connect("$ip", $port)) return("Can't connect to $ip");
	if(!ssh2_auth_password($conn, "$user", "$password")) return("Can't auth with $user, $password");
	return $conn;

function ssh_exec($link, $cmd) {
	$stream = ssh2_exec($link,"$cmd");
	$data = '';
	while($buf = fread($stream,4096)) {
    	$data .= $buf;
  	return $data;

$link = ssh_login("localhost", 22, "root", "verysecretpassword");
$result = ssh_exec($link, "ls -la");
echo $result;


Исходная версия snoopcat, :


function ssh_login($ip, $port, $user, $password) {
	if(!$conn = ssh2_connect("$ip", $port)) return("Can't connect to $ip");
	if(!ssh2_auth_password($conn, "$user", "$password")) return("Can't auth with $user, $password");
	return $conn;

function ssh_exec($link, $cmd) {
	$stream = ssh2_exec($link,"$cmd");
	$data = '';
	while($buf = fread($stream,4096)) {
    	$data .= $buf;
  	return $data;

$link = ssh_login("localhost", 22, "root", "verysecretpassword");
$result = ssh_exec($link, "ls -la");
echo $result;
