История изменений
Исправление fulmar_lor, (текущая версия) :
Но это же ведь ложь получается!
Тут выбор между не проходить это в школах вообще и немного поступиться принципами. https://www.economist.com/johnson/2011/01/07/there-werent-any-niggers-then On the one hand, I’m inclined to defend Mr Gribben. His motives are clearly noble. He wants to make classics of American literature more widely read, and is willing to pay the price of a little sanitisation. Even with the words «nigger» and «injun» gone from the books, you’d have to be an idiot to read them and not notice how widespread and evil slavery and racial prejudice were; so if cleaning up Twain makes more young people read him and learn about life back then, that is surely to the good.
Исходная версия fulmar_lor, :
Но это же ведь ложь получается!
Тут выбор между не проходить это в школах вообще и немного поступиться принципами. https://www.economist.com/johnson/2011/01/07/there-werent-any-niggers-then Even with the words «nigger» and «injun» gone from the books, you’d have to be an idiot to read them and not notice how widespread and evil slavery and racial prejudice were; so if cleaning up Twain makes more young people read him and learn about life back then, that is surely to the good.