История изменений
Исправление token_polyak, (текущая версия) :
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sideloading is not yet supported by the app, but I’m working on it, and in the next few days it will be implemented, with a tutorial explaining how to do it too
(10 hours ago)
и я всё-таки ошибся: файлы лежат в /data/user
. Скачал туда, вписал <long name="currentDownloadId" value="-2" />
(согласно коду) в shared_prefs/default
и заработало.
Исправление token_polyak, :
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sideloading is not yet supported by the app, but I’m working on it, and in the next few days it will be implemented, with a tutorial explaining how to do it too
(10 hours ago)
и я всё-таки ошибся: файлы лежат в /data/user
. Скачал туда, вписал currentDownloadId="-2"
в shared_prefs/default
и заработало.
Исправление token_polyak, :
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sideloading is not yet supported by the app, but I’m working on it, and in the next few days it will be implemented, with a tutorial explaining how to do it too
(10 hours ago)
и я всё-таки ошибся: файлы лежат в /data/user
. Скачал туда и заработало.
Исправление token_polyak, :
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sideloading is not yet supported by the app, but I’m working on it, and in the next few days it will be implemented, with a tutorial explaining how to do it too
(10 hours ago)
и я всё-таки ошибся: файлы лежат в /storage/emulated/0/Android.
Исходная версия token_polyak, :
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sideloading is not yet supported by the app, but I’m working on it, and in the next few days it will be implemented, with a tutorial explaining how to do it too
(10 hours ago)