История изменений

Исправление reprimand, (текущая версия) :

цитата для тех, кто не знает почему в 2009 году Debian перешел на eglibc:

The EGLIBC is a variant of the GLIBC which stays source and binary compatible with the original GLIBC. While primarily targeted for embedded architectures, it has some really nice points:

1) More friendly upstream (especially with regard to embedded architectures): “Encourage cooperation, communication, civility, and respect among developers” (as opposed to this).
2) Stable branch with fixes for important bugs (a real one, not like the GLIBC one which is left unchanged).
3) Better support for embedded architectures.
4) Support for different shells (GLIBC only supports bash).
5) Support for building with -Os.
6) Configurable components (do we really need NIS or RPC support in debian-installer?).
7) Better testsuite for optimized or biarch packages

почему они решили вернуться - не знаю, ищите сами

Исходная версия reprimand, :

цитата для тех, кто не знает почему в 2009 году Debian перешел на eglibc:

The EGLIBC is a variant of the GLIBC which stays source and binary compatible with the original GLIBC. While primarily targeted for embedded architectures, it has some really nice points:

1)More friendly upstream (especially with regard to embedded architectures): “Encourage cooperation, communication, civility, and respect among developers” (as opposed to this).
2)Stable branch with fixes for important bugs (a real one, not like the GLIBC one which is left unchanged).
3)Better support for embedded architectures.
4)Support for different shells (GLIBC only supports bash).
5)Support for building with -Os.
6)Configurable components (do we really need NIS or RPC support in debian-installer?).
7)Better testsuite for optimized or biarch packages

почему они решили вернуться - не знаю, ищите сами