История изменений

Исправление sanyo1234, (текущая версия) :

Свежее обсуждение systemd:

You have a high-level description of what you want to happen and when it messes up (invariably at 3am, invariably on a mission-critical system) you're completely in the dark about what it's trying to do. You can (and people do) mitigate this by just writing imperative startup scripts that systemd calls, but then that leaves the question of what the point is.

Добавьте сюда увеличенную поверхность атаки systemd и вероятно его бОльшую восприимчивость к воздействию сталкеров, и тогда станут понятны причины отказа от systemd на baremetal в пользу OpenRC/RunIt/S6.

Исходная версия sanyo1234, :

Свежее обсуждение systemd:

You have a high-level description of what you want to happen and when it messes up (invariably at 3am, invariably on a mission-critical system) you're completely in the dark about what it's trying to do. You can (and people do) mitigate this by just writing imperative startup scripts that systemd calls, but then that leaves the question of what the point is.