История изменений
(текущая версия)
зато он наш, попенсорсный!
Will Hare support Windows or macOS?
Hare does not and will not officially support proprietary operating systems upstream. However, Hare is a standardized language and third-parties may build and maintain forks or compatible implementations of Hare targeting these systems.
Is a language server available?
Not yet, but maybe you’ll write one? Ask about it in the community spaces.
Can I use multithreading in Hare?
Probably not.
Why doesn’t Hare have generics?
Omitting generics (and similar features) in Hare is a deliberate design choice which simplifies the language considerably and is more aligned with its design roots in C.
всё как любит местный люд
Исходная версия
зато он наш, попенсорсный!
Will Hare support Windows or macOS?
Hare does not and will not officially support proprietary operating systems upstream. However, Hare is a standardized language and third-parties may build and maintain forks or compatible implementations of Hare targeting these systems.