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Исправление fornlr, (текущая версия) :
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Hey, I wanted to pop in and shed more light on the Metro: Last Light Redux situation for Linux and Mac. The response you got from us was a little vague and could suggest that Deep Silver wouldn’t let us release a Linux / Mac OS X version of the game. That couldn’t be further from the truth, in this particular case we’re the ones responsible for preparing the builds, and we encountered enough technical issues to hold back on those versions for the time being. We’ll be working on the games to fix the Linux/Mac OS X issues, but right now it’s hard to say if - or when - we’ll be able to get them to you in a state that we’re confident in.
Так то выше про «претензии к издателю, GOG то не причём!» - явная ложь.
Исправление fornlr, :
мне кажется
Вот не надо отсебятины от фанатика, когда сами говорят
Hey, I wanted to pop in and shed more light on the Metro: Last Light Redux situation for Linux and Mac. The response you got from us was a little vague and could suggest that Deep Silver wouldn’t let us release a Linux / Mac OS X version of the game. That couldn’t be further from the truth, in this particular case we’re the ones responsible for preparing the builds, and we encountered enough technical issues to hold back on those versions for the time being. We’ll be working on the games to fix the Linux/Mac OS X issues, but right now it’s hard to say if - or when - we’ll be able to get them to you in a state that we’re confident in.
Так то выше про «претензии к издателю, GOG то причём!» - явная ложь.
Исходная версия fornlr, :
мне кажется
Вот не надо отсебятины от фанатика, когда сами говорят
Hey, I wanted to pop in and shed more light on the Metro: Last Light Redux situation for Linux and Mac. The response you got from us was a little vague and could suggest that Deep Silver wouldn’t let us release a Linux / Mac OS X version of the game. That couldn’t be further from the truth, in this particular case we’re the ones responsible for preparing the builds, and we encountered enough technical issues to hold back on those versions for the time being. We’ll be working on the games to fix the Linux/Mac OS X issues, but right now it’s hard to say if - or when - we’ll be able to get them to you in a state that we’re confident in.