История изменений
Исправление backbone, (текущая версия) :
Осталось понять каким боком эти циферки относятся к реальным приложениям.
Ну, к примеру, о Pipe-based context switching:
This test measures the number of times two processes can exchange an increasing integer through a pipe. The pipe-based context switching test is more like a real-world application. The test program spawns a child process with which it carries on a bi-directional pipe conversation.
Исходная версия backbone, :
Ну, к примеру, о Pipe-based context switching:
This test measures the number of times two processes can exchange an increasing integer through a pipe. The pipe-based context switching test is more like a real-world application. The test program spawns a child process with which it carries on a bi-directional pipe conversation.