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А можно ли на RPi относительно легко установить официальный Debian?
Совершенно не напряжно.
Можно поподробнее?
Возьми распбиан, переделай соурсес лист на репы официального визи, apt-get update | apt-get updrade поудаляй все. Вот тебе и дебиан
Не получится. Нашёл в официальном FAQ:
Can I mix packages from the Debian repositories with Raspbian?
The short answer is if you don't know what you are doing you should not mix them. For the long answer read on.
Debian armel packages use the soft float ABI which is incompatible with the hard float ABI used by Raspbian. In theory it should be possible to install Debian armel packages in parallel with Raspbian packages using multiarch. However multiarch setups conflict with a hack we had to make to support the videocore libraries and there are other potential issues too. As such we don't currently recommend or support multiarch configurations with Debian armel and Raspbian armhf.
Debian armhf packages should be compatible with Raspbian packages but a system with such a mixture WILL NOT RUN ON THE PI. Furthermore there may be corner cases where libraries build slightly differently on Raspbian. Such mixed systems can be useful for development (they were used heavily in the process of creating Raspbian) but are not recommended for general use.
Architecture independent («arch all») packages are compatible between Debian and Raspbian. Source packages should in general be compatible though some may need modification to adjust compiler settings (most Debian packages just use the compiler defaults but some use their own settings for various reasons). A test script for testing packages for armv7 contamination is available at http://pastebin.com/BtSdvrXM but the script is not perfect and can suffer from both false positives and false negatives.
Исходная версия
А можно ли на RPi относительно легко установить официальный Debian?
Совершенно не напряжно.
Можно поподробнее?
Возьми распбиан, переделай соурсес лист на репы официального визи, apt-get update | apt-get updrade поудаляй все. Вот тебе и дебиан
Не получится. Нашёл в официальном FAQ Raspbian:
Can I mix packages from the Debian repositories with Raspbian?
The short answer is if you don't know what you are doing you should not mix them. For the long answer read on.
Debian armel packages use the soft float ABI which is incompatible with the hard float ABI used by Raspbian. In theory it should be possible to install Debian armel packages in parallel with Raspbian packages using multiarch. However multiarch setups conflict with a hack we had to make to support the videocore libraries and there are other potential issues too. As such we don't currently recommend or support multiarch configurations with Debian armel and Raspbian armhf.
Debian armhf packages should be compatible with Raspbian packages but a system with such a mixture WILL NOT RUN ON THE PI. Furthermore there may be corner cases where libraries build slightly differently on Raspbian. Such mixed systems can be useful for development (they were used heavily in the process of creating Raspbian) but are not recommended for general use.
Architecture independent («arch all») packages are compatible between Debian and Raspbian. Source packages should in general be compatible though some may need modification to adjust compiler settings (most Debian packages just use the compiler defaults but some use their own settings for various reasons). A test script for testing packages for armv7 contamination is available at http://pastebin.com/BtSdvrXM but the script is not perfect and can suffer from both false positives and false negatives.