История изменений
Исправление Evgueni, (текущая версия) :
Нашёл: http://www.adapteva.com/products/silicon-devices/e64g401/
64 High Performance RISC CPU Cores
800 GHz Operating Frequency
100 GFLOPS Sustained Performance
1638GB/s Local Memory Bandwidth
102GB/s Network-On-Chip Bisection Bandwidth
8 GB/s Off-Chip Bandwidth
2 MB On-Chip Distributed Shared Memory
2 Watt Maximum Chip Power Consumption
IEEE Floating Point Instruction Set
Fully-featured ANSI-C/C++ programmable
GNU/Eclipse based tool chain
Source synchronous LVDS off chip links for host or direct chip-to-chip interfacing.
Chip to chip links for integrating up to 64 chips on a single board
324-ball 15x15mm flip-chip BGA
Исправление Evgueni, :
Нашёл: http://www.adapteva.com/products/silicon-devices/e64g401/
64 High Performance RISC CPU Cores
800 GHz Operating Frequency
100 GFLOPS Sustained Performance
1638GB/s Local Memory Bandwidth
102GB/s Network-On-Chip Bisection Bandwidth
8 GB/s Off-Chip Bandwidth
2 MB On-Chip Distributed Shared Memory
2 Watt Maximum Chip Power Consumption
IEEE Floating Point Instruction Set
Fully-featured ANSI-C/C++ programmable
GNU/Eclipse based tool chain
Source synchronous LVDS off chip links for host or direct chip-to-chip interfacing.
Chip to chip links for integrating up to 64 chips on a single board
324-ball 15x15mm flip-chip BGA
Исходная версия Evgueni, :
Нашёл: http://www.adapteva.com/products/silicon-devices/e64g401/
64 High Performance RISC CPU Cores 800 GHz Operating Frequency 100 GFLOPS Sustained Performance 1638GB/s Local Memory Bandwidth 102GB/s Network-On-Chip Bisection Bandwidth 8 GB/s Off-Chip Bandwidth 2 MB On-Chip Distributed Shared Memory 2 Watt Maximum Chip Power Consumption IEEE Floating Point Instruction Set Fully-featured ANSI-C/C++ programmable GNU/Eclipse based tool chain Source synchronous LVDS off chip links for host or direct chip-to-chip interfacing. Chip to chip links for integrating up to 64 chips on a single board 324-ball 15x15mm flip-chip BGA
То бишь внешняя память задействуется, но доступ до неё 8 ГБ/с, а внутренняя имеет размер всего в 2 МБ, зато скорость доступа ТБ/с